Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록4 2001~27
56 (Tiger Arcade Game List
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■Tiger Arcade(v3.0.0 or later) Game List (page 4, 2001~end)
2001 qadj Quiz & Dragons (940921 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2002 qgakumon Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA2 Type L) 1993 Konami GX248
2003 qjinsei Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) 1992 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2004 qsangoku Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) 1991 Capcom Miscellaneous
2005 qtono1 Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) 1991 Capcom Miscellaneous
2006 qtorimon Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2007 quartet Quartet (Rev A, 8751 317-unknown) 1986 Sega System 16A
2008 quartet2 Quartet 2 (8751 317-0010) 1986 Sega System 16A
2009 quartet2a Quartet 2 (unprotected) 1986 Sega System 16A
2010 quarteta Quartet (8751 315-5194) 1986 Sega System 16A
2011 quarth Quarth (Japan) 1989 Konami GX973
2012 quiz18k Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin 1992 EIM Miscellaneous
2013 quizdais Quiz Daisousa Sen – The Last Count Down 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2014 quizhq Quiz H.Q. (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2015 quizkof Quiz King of Fighters 1995 Saurus Neo Geo
2016 quizo Quiz Olympic 1985 Seoul Coin Corp. Miscellaneous
2017 qzchikyu Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) 1991 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2018 rachero Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) 1989 Sega X-Board
2019 racknrol Rack + Roll 1986 Status (Shinkai License) Galaxian
2020 radicasf Radica: Street Fighter Pack (Street Fighter 2′ Special Champion Edition, Ghouls and Ghosts) (EURO) 2004 Radica Games / Capcom Megadrive
2021 raflesia Rafflesia (315-5162) 1986 Coreland / Sega System 1
2022 ragnagrd Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken 1996 Saurus Neo Geo
2023 raiden Raiden 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu Miscellaneous
2024 raidena Raiden (Alternate Hardware) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu Miscellaneous
2025 raidenk Raiden (Korea) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu (IBL Corporation license) Miscellaneous
2026 raident Raiden (Taiwan) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu (Liang HWA Electronics license) Miscellaneous
2027 raiga Raiga – Strato Fighter (Japan) 1991 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2028 rainbow Rainbow Islands (new version) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2029 rainbowe Rainbow Islands (Extra) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2030 rainbowo Rainbow Islands (old version) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2031 rallybik Rally Bike / Dash Yarou 1988 [Toaplan] Taito Corporation Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2032 raphero Rapid Hero 1994 Media Trading Corp NMK16
2033 rastan Rastan (World) 1987 Taito Corporation Japan Taito Misc
2034 rastanu Rastan (US set 1) 1987 Taito America Corporation Taito Misc
2035 rastanu2 Rastan (US set 2) 1987 Taito America Corporation Taito Misc
2036 rastsaga Rastan Saga (Japan) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2037 rastsaga1 Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2038 rbff1 Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 1995 SNK Neo Geo
2039 rbffspec Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special 1996 SNK Neo Geo
2040 rchase Rail Chase (Japan) 1991 Sega Y-Board
2041 redearth Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2042 redeartn Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121, NO CD) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2043 redhawk Red Hawk (US) 1997 Afega (New Vision Ent. license) NMK16
2044 redhawkb Vince (Redhawk bootleg) 1997 bootleg NMK16
2045 redhawke Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) 1997 Afega (Excellent Co. license) NMK16
2046 redhawki Red Hawk (Italy) 1997 Afega (Hea Dong Corp license) NMK16
2047 redufo Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO 19?? bootleg Galaxian
2048 regulus Regulus (315-5033, rev. A) 1983 Sega System 1
2049 reguluso Regulus (315-5033) 1983 Sega System 1
2050 regulusu Regulus (not encrypted) 1983 Sega System 1
2051 renegade Renegade (US) 1986 Technos (Taito America license) Miscellaneous
2052 repulse Repulse 1985 Sega Kyugo
2053 rescue Rescue 1982 Stern Galaxian
2054 retofin3 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 3) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2055 retofinv Return of the Invaders 1985 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2056 retofinv1 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2057 retofinv2 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2058 ridhero Riding Hero (set 1) 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2059 ridheroh Riding Hero (set 2) 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2060 ringdest Ring of Destruction – slammasters II (940902 Euro) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2061 ringdstd Ring of Destruction – slammasters II (940902 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1994 bootleg CPS2
2062 ringohja Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N) 1988 Konami GX799
2063 riot Riot 1992 NMK Miscellaneous
2064 riotcity Riot City (Japan) 1991 Sega / Westone System 16B
2065 rmancp2j Rockman: The Power Battle (950922 Japan) 1999 Capcom CPS2
2066 roboarmy Robo Army 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2067 rockclim Rock Climber 1981 Taito Galaxian
2068 rockduck Rock Duck (prototype?) 1983 Datel SAS misc
2069 rockman2j Rockman 2 – the power fighters (960708 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2070 rockmanj Rockman – the power battle (950922 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS1
2071 rocktrv2 MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) 1986 Triumph Software Inc. Pac-man
2072 rollerg Rollergames (US) 1991 Konami GX999
2073 rollergj Rollergames (Japan) 1991 Konami GX999
2074 rotd Rage of the Dragons 2002 Evoga / Playmore Neo Geo
2075 rotdnd Rage of the Dragons (decrypted C) 2002 Evoga / Playmore Neo Geo
2076 route16 Route 16 1981 Tehkan/Sun (Centuri license) Route 16
2077 route16a Route 16 (set 2) 1981 Tehkan/Sun (Centuri license) Route 16
2078 route16b Route 16 (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Route 16
2079 routex Route X (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Route 16
2080 runark Runark (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2081 rushatck Rush’n Attack (US) 1985 Konami Miscellaneous
2082 rushcrsh Rush & Crash (Japan) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2083 rygar Rygar (US set 1) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2084 rygar2 Rygar (US set 2) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2085 rygar3 Rygar (US set 3, old version) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2086 rygarj Argus no Senshi (Japan) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2087 ryukendn Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2088 ryukendna Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 2) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2089 ryukyu RyuKyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023) 1990 Success / Sega System 16B
2090 s1945 Strikers 1945 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2091 s1945a Strikers 1945 (Alt) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2092 s1945ii Strikers 1945 II 1997 Psikyo PS3-V1
2093 s1945iii Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) 1999 Psikyo PS5
2094 s1945j Strikers 1945 (Japan) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2095 s1945jn Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2096 s1945k Strikers 1945 (Korea) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2097 s1945p Strikers 1945 Plus 1999 Psikyo Neo Geo
2098 s1945pn Strikers 1945 Plus (decrypted C) 1999 Psikyo Neo Geo
2099 sabotenb Saboten Bombers (set 1) 1992 NMK / Tecmo NMK16
2100 sabotenba Saboten Bombers (set 2) 1992 NMK / Tecmo NMK16
2101 samesame2 Same! Same! Same! 1989 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2102 samsho Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 1) 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2103 samshoh Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 2) 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2104 samuraia Samurai Aces (World) 1993 Psikyo / Banpresto Psikyo 68EC020
2105 saturn Saturn 1983 [Zilec Electronics] Jaleco hardware
2106 savagere Savage Reign / Fu’un Mokushiroku – kakutou sousei 1995 SNK Neo Geo
2107 savgbees Savage Bees 1985 Capcom (Memetron license) Miscellaneous
2108 sbbros Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) 1990 Mitchell + Capcom Miscellaneous
2109 sboblboa Super Bobble Bobble (set 1) 1986 bootleg Taito Misc
2110 sboblbob Super Bobble Bobble (set 2) 1986 bootleg Taito Misc
2111 sbomberb Space Bomber (ver. B) 1998 Psikyo PS3-V1
2112 sbsgomo Space Battle Ship Gomorrah 1990 UPL NMK16
2113 sci Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2114 scia Special Criminal Investigation (World set 2) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2115 scij Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) 1989 Taito Corporation Taito-Z
2116 scinegro Special Criminal Investigation (Negro bootleg) 1989 Negro Taito-Z
2117 sciu Special Criminal Investigation (US) 1989 Taito America Corporation Taito-Z
2118 scobra Super Cobra 1981 Konami Galaxian
2119 scobrab Super Cobra (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2120 scobras Super Cobra (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2121 scobrase Super Cobra (Sega) 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian
2122 scontra Super Contra 1988 Konami GX775
2123 scontraj Super Contra (Japan) 1988 Konami GX775
2124 scorpion Scorpion (set 1) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2125 scorpiona Scorpion (set 2) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2126 scorpionb Scorpion (set 3) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2127 scorpionmc Scorpion (Moon Cresta hardware) 19?? Dorneer Galaxian
2128 scotrsht Scooter Shooter 1985 Konami Miscellaneous
2129 scramb2 Scramble (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2130 scramblb Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2131 scramble Scramble 1981 Konami Galaxian
2132 scramblebf Scramble (Karateko, French bootleg) 1981 Karateko (bootleg) Galaxian
2133 scrambles Scramble (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2134 scregg Scrambled Egg 1983 Technos misc
2135 sdfight SD Fighters (Korea) 1996 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2136 sdi SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) 1987 Sega System 16A
2137 sdib SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) 1987 Sega System 16B
2138 sdibl SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg) 1987 Sega System 16B
2139 searchar SAR – Search And Rescue (World) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2140 searcharj SAR – Search And Rescue (Japan) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2141 searcharu SAR – Search And Rescue (US) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2142 searchey Search Eye 1999 Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2143 searchp2 Search Eye Plus V2.0 1999 Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2144 sectionz Section Z (set 1) 1985 Capcom hardware
2145 sectionza Section Z (set 2) 1985 Capcom hardware
2146 seganinj Sega Ninja (315-5102) 1985 Sega System 1
2147 seganinju Sega Ninja (not encrypted) 1985 Sega System 1
2148 semibase MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea) 1997 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2149 sengokh Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 2) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2150 sengoku Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 1) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2151 sengoku2 Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2152 sengoku3 Sengoku 3 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2153 sf Street Fighter (World) 1987 Capcom Misc
2154 sf2 Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910522 etc) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2155 sf2acc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Accelerator!) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2156 sf2accp2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Accelerator Pt.II) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2157 sf2ce Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920313 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2158 sf2cej Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920513 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2159 sf2ceua Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920313 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2160 sf2ceub Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920513 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2161 sf2ceuc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920803 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2162 sf2dkot2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Double K.O. Turbo II) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2163 sf2eb Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 etc) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2164 sf2ebbl Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 etc, TAB Austria bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2165 sf2hf Street Fighter II’ – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 ETC) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2166 sf2j Street Fighter II – the world warrior (911210 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2167 sf2ja Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2168 sf2jc Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910306 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2169 sf2koryu Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (Chinese bootleg, Xiang Long) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2170 sf2m10 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M10) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2171 sf2m11 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M11) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2172 sf2m12 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M12) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2173 sf2m13 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M13) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2174 sf2m2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2175 sf2m3 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M3) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2176 sf2m4 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M4) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2177 sf2m5 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M5) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2178 sf2m6 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M6) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2179 sf2m7 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M7) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2180 sf2m8 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M8) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2181 sf2m9 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M9) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2182 sf2qp1 Street Fighter II – the world warrior (bootleg, Quicken Pt-I) 1991 bootleg CPS1
2183 sf2rb Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 1) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2184 sf2rb2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2185 sf2rb3 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 3) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2186 sf2red Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Red Wave) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2187 sf2t Street Fighter II’ – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2188 sf2tj Street Fighter II’ Turbo – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2189 sf2tlona Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Slay the Dragon set 1) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2190 sf2tlonb Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Slay the Dragon set 2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2191 sf2ua Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910206 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2192 sf2ub Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2193 sf2ud Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910318 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2194 sf2ue Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910228 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2195 sf2uf Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910411 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2196 sf2ui Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910522 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2197 sf2uk Street Fighter II – the world warrior (911101 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2198 sf2v004 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, V004) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2199 sf2yyc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, YYC) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2200 sfa Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950727 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2201 sfa2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960229 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2202 sfa2u Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960306 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2203 sfa3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 Euro) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2204 sfa3b Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 Brazil) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2205 sfa3u Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2206 sfa3ud Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA Phoenix Edition) 1998 bootleg CPS2
2207 sfa3ur1 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 USA) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2208 sfad Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950727 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1995 bootleg CPS2
2209 sfar1 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950718 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2210 sfar2 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950627 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2211 sfar3 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950605 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2212 sfau Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950627 USA) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2213 sfiii Street Fighter III: New Generation (USA 970204) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2214 sfiii2 Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2215 sfiii2j Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Japan 970930) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2216 sfiii2n Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Asia 970930, NO CD) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2217 sfiii3 Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990608) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2218 sfiii3a Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2219 sfiii3an Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512, NO CD) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2220 sfiii3n Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608, NO CD) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2221 sfiiij Street Fighter III: New Generation (Japan 970204) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2222 sfiiin Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2223 sfj Street Fighter (Japan) 1987 Capcom Misc
2224 sfp Street Fighter (Prototype) 1987 Capcom Misc
2225 sfus Street Fighter (US) 1987 Capcom Misc
2226 sfx SF-X 1983 Nichibutsu Galaxian
2227 sfz2a Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2228 sfz2ad Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2229 sfz2al Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2230 sfz2alb Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2231 sfz2ald Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2232 sfz2alh Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2233 sfz2alj Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2234 sfz2b Street Fighter Zero 2 (960531 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2235 sfz2br1 Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2236 sfz2h Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2237 sfz2j Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2238 sfz2n Street Fighter Zero 2 (960229 Oceania) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2239 sfz3a Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Asia) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2240 sfz3ar1 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980701 Asia) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2241 sfz3j Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2242 sfz3jr1 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980727 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2243 sfz3jr2 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980629 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2244 sfza Street Fighter Zero (950627 Asia) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2245 sfzb Street Fighter Zero (951109 Brazil) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2246 sfzbr1 Street Fighter Zero (950727 Brazil) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2247 sfzch Street Fighter Zero (951020 CPS Changer) 1995 Capcom CPS Changer
2248 sfzh Street Fighter Zero (950627 Hispanic) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2249 sfzj Street Fighter Zero (950727 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2250 sfzjr1 Street Fighter Zero (950627 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2251 sfzjr2 Street Fighter Zero (950605 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2252 sgemf Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2253 sgemfa Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Asia) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2254 sgemfd Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA Phoenix Edition) 1997 bootleg CPS2
2255 sgemfh Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Hispanic) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2256 shackled Shackled (US) 1986 Data East USA hardware
2257 shadfrce Shadow Force (US Version 2) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2258 shadfrcej Shadow Force (Japan Version 3) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2259 shadfrcejv2 Shadow Force (Japan Version 2) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2260 shadoww Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2261 shadowwa Shadow Warriors (World, set 2) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2262 shangon Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) 1987 Sega Out Run
2263 shangon2 Super Hang-On (mini ride-on, Rev A, FD1089B 317-0034) 1987 Sega Out Run
2264 shangon3 Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, FD1089B 317-0034) 1987 Sega Out Run
2265 shangonle Limited Edition Hang-On 1991 Sega Out Run
2266 sharrier Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) 1985 Sega Hang-On
2267 sharrier1 Space Harrier (8751 315-5163) 1985 Sega Hang-On
2268 shdancer Shadow Dancer (set 3, US) 1989 Sega System 18
2269 shdancer1 Shadow Dancer (set 1) 1989 Sega System 18
2270 shdancerj Shadow Dancer (set 2, Japan) 1989 Sega System 18
2271 shinobi Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected) 1987 Sega System 16A
2272 shinobi1 Shinobi (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0050) 1987 Sega System 16A
2273 shinobi2 Shinobi (set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0049) 1987 Sega System 16B
2274 shinobi3 Shinobi (set 3, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) 1987 Sega System 16B
2275 shinobi4 Shinobi (set 4, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) 1987 Sega System 16B
2276 shinobi5 Shinobi (set 5, System 16B, unprotected) 1987 Sega System 16B
2277 shinobls Shinobi (Star bootleg, System 16A) 1987 bootleg System 16A
2278 shocking Shocking 1997 Yun Sung Yun Sung 16 Bit
2279 shocktr2 Shock Troopers – 2nd Squad 1998 Saurus Neo Geo
2280 shocktra Shock Troopers (set 2) 1997 Saurus Neo Geo
2281 shocktro Shock Troopers (set 1) 1997 Saurus Neo Geo
2282 shootbul Shoot the Bull 1985 Bally Midway Pac-man
2283 silkroad The Legend of Silkroad 1999 Unico Miscellaneous
2284 silkworm Silk Worm (set 1) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2285 silkworm2 Silk Worm (set 2) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2286 simpsons The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) 1991 Konami GX072
2287 simpsons2p The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1) 1991 Konami GX072
2288 simpsons2p2 The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 2) 1991 Konami GX072
2289 simpsons2pa The Simpsons (2 Players Asia) 1991 Konami GX072
2290 simpsons2pj The Simpsons (2 Players Japan) 1991 Konami GX072
2291 simpsons4pa The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 2) 1991 Konami GX072
2292 sinvasn Space Invasion (Europe) 1985 Capcom Miscellaneous
2293 sinvasnb Space Invasion (bootleg) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2294 skybase Sky Base 1982 Omori Electric Co. Ltd Galaxian
2295 skyfox Sky Fox 1987 Jaleco (Nichibutsu USA license) Miscellaneous
2296 skykid Sky Kid (new version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2297 skykidd Sky Kid (CUS60 version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2298 skykido Sky Kid (old version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2299 skykids Sky Kid (Sipem) 1985 Namco [Sipem license] Miscellaneous
2300 skylancr Sky Lancer 1983 Orca misc
2301 skylancre Sky Lancer (Esco Trading Co license) 1983 Orca (Esco Trading Co license) misc
2302 skyraidr Sky Raiders 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2303 skysmash Sky Smasher 1990 Nihon System Miscellaneous
2304 skywolf Sky Wolf (set 1) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2305 skywolf2 Sky Wolf (set 2) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2306 skywolf3 Sky Wolf (set 3) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2307 slammast Saturday Night Slam Masters (Slam Masters 930713 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS1
2308 slammastu Saturday Night Slam Masters (slam masters 930713 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS1
2309 slapbtjp Slap Fight (Japan bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2310 slapbtuk Slap Fight (English bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2311 slapfgtr Slap Fight (bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2312 smbomb Super Muscle Bomber – the international blowout (940831 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2313 smbombr1 Super Muscle Bomber – the international blowout (940808 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2314 smgp Super Monaco GP (set 9, World, Rev B, ‘Twin’, FD1094 317-0126a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2315 smgp5 Super Monaco GP (set 7, World, ‘Air Drive Cabinet’, FD1094 317-0126) 1989 Sega X-Board
2316 smgp6 Super Monaco GP (set 8, World, Rev A, FD1094 317-0126a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2317 smgpj Super Monaco GP (set 2, Japan, Rev B, FD1094 317-0124a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2318 smgpja Super Monaco GP (set 1, Japan, Rev A, FD1094 317-0124a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2319 smgpu Super Monaco GP (set 6, US, Rev C, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2320 smgpu1 Super Monaco GP (set 5, US, Rev B, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2321 smgpu2 Super Monaco GP (set 4, US, Rev A, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2322 smgpu3 Super Monaco GP (set 3, US, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2323 smooncrs Super Moon Cresta 1981? Gremlin Galaxian
2324 snapjack Snap Jack 1982 Universal Miscellaneous
2325 snapper Snapper (Korea) 1990 Philko System 16B
2326 sngkace Sengoku Ace (Japan) 1993 Psikyo / Banpresto Psikyo 68EC020
2327 sngoku3n Sengoku 3 (decrypted C) 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2328 snowbros Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 1) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2329 snowbros3 Snow Brothers 3 – Magical Adventure 2002 bootleg Kaneko Pandora based
2330 snowbrosa Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 2) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2331 snowbrosb Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 3) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2332 snowbrosc Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 4) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2333 snowbrosd Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (Dooyong license) 1990 Toaplan (Dooyong license) Kaneko Pandora based
2334 snowbrosj Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (Japan) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2335 socbrawl Soccer Brawl (set 1) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2336 socbrawla Soccer Brawl (set 2) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2337 soldivid Sol Divide – The Sword Of Darkness 1997 Psikyo PS3-V1
2338 solfigtr Solitary Fighter (World) 1991 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2
2339 solomon Solomon’s Key (US) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2340 solomonj Solomon’s Key (Japan) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2341 sonicbom Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) 1987 Sega System 16B
2342 sonicwi Sonic Wings (Japan) 1992 Video System Co. Video System
2343 sonicwi2 Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 1994 Video System Co. Neo Geo
2344 sonicwi3 Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 1995 Video System Co. Neo Geo
2345 sonofphx Son of Phoenix 1985 Associated Overseas MFR, Inc Kyugo
2346 sonson Son Son 1984 Capcom Miscellaneous
2347 sonsonj Son Son (Japan) 1984 Capcom Miscellaneous
2348 spacbat2 Space Battle (bootleg set 2) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2349 spacbatt Space Battle (bootleg set 1) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2350 spacecho Space Echo (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Route 16
2351 spacegun Space Gun (World) 1990 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2352 spacempr Space Empire (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2353 spang Super Pang (World 900914) 1990 Mitchell Miscellaneous
2354 spangj Super Pang (Japan 901023) 1990 Mitchell Miscellaneous
2355 spatter Spatter 1984 Sega System 1
2356 spcdrag Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 1) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2357 spcdraga Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 2) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2358 spcpostn Space Position (Japan) 1986 Sega / Nasco Miscellaneous
2359 spctbird Space Thunderbird 1981? Fortrek Galaxian
2360 spdcoin Speed Coin (prototype) 1984 Stern Galaxian
2361 speakres Speak & Rescue 1980 Sun Electronics Route 16
2362 spec2k Spectrum 2000 (Euro) 2000 YONA Tech NMK16
2363 speedspn Speed Spin 1994 TCH Miscellaneous
2364 spf2t Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960620 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2365 spf2ta Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960529 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2366 spf2th Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960531 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2367 spf2xj Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2368 spf2xjd Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2369 spinlbrk Spinal Breakers (World) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2370 spinlbrkj Spinal Breakers (Japan) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2371 spinlbrku Spinal Breakers (US) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2372 spinmast Spin Master / Miracle Adventure 1993 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2373 sprglbpg Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German 1983 bootleg Pac-man
2374 sprglobp Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) 1983 Epos Corporation Pac-man
2375 spy S.P.Y. – Special Project Y (World ver. N) 1989 Konami GX857
2376 spyu S.P.Y. – Special Project Y (US ver. M) 1989 Konami GX857
2377 sraider Space Raider 1982 Universal Miscellaneous
2378 srdarwin Super Real Darwin (World) 1987 Data East Corporation hardware
2379 srdarwinj Super Real Darwin (Japan) 1987 Data East Corporation hardware
2380 srdmissn S.R.D. Mission 1986 Taito Corporation Kyugo
2381 srumbler The Speed Rumbler (set 1) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2382 srumbler2 The Speed Rumbler (set 2) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2383 ssanchan Sanrin San Chan (Japan) 1984 Sega System 1
2384 sscandal Seishun Scandal (315-5132, Japan) 1985 Coreland / Sega System 1
2385 ssf2 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2386 ssf2a Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Asia) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2387 ssf2ar1 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930914 Asia) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2388 ssf2h Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Hispanic) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2389 ssf2j Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2390 ssf2jr1 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2391 ssf2jr2 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930910 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2392 ssf2t Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2393 ssf2ta Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Asia) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2394 ssf2tb Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (931119 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2395 ssf2tbd Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (931119 etc Phoenix Edition) 1993 bootleg CPS2
2396 ssf2tbj Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (930911 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2397 ssf2tbr1 Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (930911 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2398 ssf2tu Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940323 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2399 ssf2tur1 Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2400 ssf2u Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2401 ssf2ud Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA Phoenix Edition) 1993 bootleg CPS2
2402 ssf2xj Super Street Fighter II X – grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2403 ssf2xjd Super Street Fighter II X – grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan Phoenix Edition) 1994 bootleg CPS2
2404 ssi Super Space Invaders ’91 (World) 1990 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2
2405 ssideki Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou 1992 SNK Neo Geo
2406 ssmissin S.S. Mission 1992 Comad NMK16
2407 ssriders Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC) 1991 Konami GX064
2408 ssridersabd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD) 1991 Konami GX064
2409 ssridersadd Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD) 1991 Konami GX064
2410 ssriderseaa Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA) 1991 Konami GX064
2411 ssridersebc Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC) 1991 Konami GX064
2412 ssridersebd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD) 1991 Konami GX064
2413 ssridersjbd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD) 1991 Konami GX064
2414 ssridersuac Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC) 1991 Konami GX064
2415 ssridersubc Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC) 1991 Konami GX064
2416 ssridersuda Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA) 1991 Konami GX064
2417 sstriker Sorcer Striker (World) 1993 Raizing Toaplan GP9001 based
2418 sstrikera Sorcer Striker (World, alt) 1993 Raizing Toaplan GP9001 based
2419 stagger1 Stagger I (Japan) 1998 Afega NMK16
2420 stakwin Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner – GI kinzen seihae no michi 1995 Saurus Neo Geo
2421 stakwin2 Stakes Winner 2 1996 Saurus Neo Geo
2422 starfght Star Fighter 1979 Juetel Galaxian
2423 starjack Star Jacker (Sega) 1983 Sega System 1
2424 starjacks Star Jacker (Stern) 1983 Sega System 1
2425 stera Steraranger (Moon Cresta bootleg) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2426 strahl Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) 1992 UPL NMK16
2427 strahla Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 2) 1992 UPL NMK16
2428 stratgys Strategy X (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern License) Galaxian
2429 stratgyx Strategy X 1981 Konami Galaxian
2430 stratof Raiga – Strato Fighter (US) 1991 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2431 stratvox Stratovox 1980 [Sun Electronics] (Taito license) Route 16
2432 stratvoxb Stratovox (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Route 16
2433 streakng Streaking 1981 Shoei Galaxian
2434 streetsm Street Smart (US version 2) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2435 streetsm1 Street Smart (US version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2436 streetsmj Street Smart (Japan version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2437 streetsmw Street Smart (World version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2438 strfbomb Strafe Bomb 1981 Omni Galaxian
2439 strhoop Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream 1994 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2440 strider Strider (US set 1) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2441 striderj Strider Hiryu (Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2442 striderua Strider (US set 2) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2443 striv Super Triv 1985 Hara Industries Jack the Giantkiller
2444 strkfgtr Strike Fighter (Japan) 1991 Sega Y-Board
2445 strongx Strong X 1982 bootleg Galaxian
2446 sucasino Super Casino 1984 Data Amusement Jack the Giantkiller
2447 sunaq SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) 1994 SunA Miscellaneous
2448 superbon Agent Super Bond (scobra hardware) 1985 Signaton USA Galaxian
2449 superg Super Galaxians (galaxiaj hack) 1979 hack Galaxian
2450 superman Superman 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-X
2451 supermanj Superman (Japan) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-X
2452 superspy The Super Spy 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2453 supmodel Super Model 1994 Comad / New Japan System Miscellaneous
2454 suprglob Super Glob 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2455 suprheli Super Heli (Super Cobra bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2456 suprleag Super League (FD1094 317-0045) 1987 Sega System 16B
2457 suprtrio Super Trio 1994 Gameace Miscellaneous
2458 suratk Surprise Attack (World ver. K) 1990 Konami GX911
2459 suratka Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L) 1990 Konami GX911
2460 suratkj Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M) 1990 Konami GX911
2461 svc SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2462 svcboot SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (bootleg) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2463 svcnd SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (decrypted C) 2003 Playmore Neo Geo
2464 svcpcb SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 1) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2465 svcpcba SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 2) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2466 svcpcbnd SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 1, decrypted C) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2467 svcplus SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Plus (bootleg set 1) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2468 svcplusa SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Plus (bootleg set 2) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2469 svcsplus SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Super Plus (bootleg) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2470 swarm Swarm (bootleg?) 1979 Sebelectro Galaxian
2471 swat SWAT (315-5048) 1984 Coreland / Sega System 1
2472 swatpolc SWAT Police 2001 ESD Miscellaneous
2473 syscheck Neo System Check (ver 1.0b) ???? blastar@gmx.net Neo Geo
2474 tangtang Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) 2000 ESD Miscellaneous
2475 taotaido Tao Taido (set 1) 1993 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2476 taotaidoa Tao Taido (set 2) 1993 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2477 tazmani2 Tazz-Mania (set 2) 1982 Stern Galaxian
2478 tazmania Tazz-Mania (set 1) 1982 Stern Galaxian
2479 tazzmang Tazz-Mania (Galaxian hardware) 1982 bootleg Galaxian
2480 tdragon Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992) 1991 NMK (Tecmo license) NMK16
2481 tdragon1 Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991) 1991 NMK (Tecmo license) NMK16
2482 tdragon2 Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993) 1993 NMK NMK16
2483 tdragon2a Thunder Dragon 2 (1st Oct. 1993) 1993 NMK NMK16
2484 tdragonb Thunder Dragon (bootleg) 1991 bootleg NMK16
2485 teddybb TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) 1985 Sega System 1
2486 teddybbo TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, Old Ver.) 1985 Sega System 1
2487 tengai Tengai (world) 1996 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2488 tengaij TengaiSengoku Blade – sengoku ace episode II 1996 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2489 terraf Terra Force (set 1) 1987 Nichibutsu Miscellaneous
2490 terrafa Terra Force (set 2) 1987 Nichibutsu Miscellaneous
2491 terrafu Terra Force (US) 1987 Nichibutsu USA Miscellaneous
2492 tetris Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093) 1988 Sega System 16A
2493 tetris1 Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0091) 1988 Sega System 16B
2494 tetris2 Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0092) 1988 Sega System 16B
2495 tetris3 Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093a) 1988 Sega System 16A
2496 tetrisbl Tetris (bootleg) 1988 bootleg System 16B
2497 tetrsark Tetris (D.R. Korea) 198? D.R. Korea Arkanoid
2498 tgm2 Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 2000 Arika PS5V2
2499 tgm2p Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus 2000 Arika PS5V2
2500 tharrier Task Force Harrier 1989 UPL (American Sammy license) NMK16
2501 tharrierj Task Force Harrier (Japan) 1989 UPL NMK16
2502 theend The End 1980 Konami Galaxian
2503 theends The End (Stern) 1980 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2504 theglob The Glob 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2505 theglob2 The Glob (earlier) 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2506 theglob3 The Glob (set 3) 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2507 theglobp The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) 1983 Epos Corporation Pac-man
2508 theroes Thunder Heroes 2001 Primetek Investments Cave
2509 thetogyu The Togyu (315-5065, Japan) 1984 Coreland / Sega System 1
2510 thndrbld Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056) 1987 Sega X-Board
2511 thndrbld1 Thunder Blade (deluxe/standing, unprotected) 1987 Sega X-Board
2512 thndrx2 Thunder Cross II (World) 1991 Konami GX073
2513 thndrx2a Thunder Cross II (Asia) 1991 Konami GX073
2514 thndrx2j Thunder Cross II (Japan) 1991 Konami GX073
2515 thunderx Thunder Cross (set 1) 1988 Konami GX873
2516 thunderxa Thunder Cross (set 2) 1988 Konami GX873
2517 thunderxb Thunder Cross (set 3) 1988 Konami GX873
2518 thunderxj Thunder Cross (Japan) 1988 Konami GX873
2519 tigerh Tiger Heli (US) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2520 tigerhb1 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 1) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2521 tigerhb2 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 2) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2522 tigerhb3 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 3) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2523 tigerhj Tiger Heli (Japan) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2524 tigeroad Tiger Road (US) 1987 Capcom (Romstar license) hardware
2525 tigeroadb Tiger Road (US bootleg) 1987 bootleg hardware
2526 timescan Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) 1987 Sega System 16B
2527 timescan1 Time Scanner (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0024) 1987 Sega System 16A
2528 tknight Tecmo Knight 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2529 tmht Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2530 tmht22pe Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles – Turtles in Time (2 Players ver EBA) 1991 Konami GX063
2531 tmht2p Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 1) 1989 Konami GX963
2532 tmht2pa Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 2) 1989 Konami GX963
2533 tmnt Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2534 tmnt2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA) 1991 Konami GX063
2535 tmnt22pu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (2 Players ver UDA) 1991 Konami GX063
2536 tmnt2a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (4 Players ver ADA) 1991 Konami GX063
2537 tmnt2pj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players) 1990 Konami GX963
2538 tmnt2po Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2539 tmntj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players) 1990 Konami GX963
2540 tmntu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 1) 1989 Konami GX963
2541 tmntua Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 2) 1989 Konami GX963
2542 tnzs The NewZealand Story (World, newer) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2543 tnzsj The NewZealand Story (Japan, new version, newer PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2544 tnzsjo The NewZealand Story (Japan, old version) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2545 tnzso The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2546 tnzsop The NewZealand Story (World, prototype?) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2547 toki Toki (World set 1) 1989 Tad hardware
2548 tokia Toki (World set 2) 1989 Tad hardware
2549 tokiu Toki (US) 1989 Tad (Fabtek license) hardware
2550 tophuntr Top Hunter – Roddy & Cathy (set 1) 1994 SNK Neo Geo
2551 tophuntrh Top Hunter – Roddy & Cathy (set 2) 1994 SNK Neo Geo
2552 toppyrap Toppy & Rappy 1996 SemiCom Kaneko Pandora based
2553 topsecrt Top Secret (Japan) 1987 Capcom Misc
2554 toramich Tora-he no Michi (Japan) 1987 Capcom hardware
2555 toryumon Toryumon 1994 Sega / Westone System 16B
2556 toutrun Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0109) 1989 Sega Out Run
2557 toutrun2 Turbo Out Run (upright, FD1094 317-unknown) 1989 Sega Out Run
2558 toutrunu Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118) 1989 Sega Out Run
2559 tpgolf Top Player’s Golf 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2560 trally Thrash Rally 1991 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2561 treahunt Treasure Hunt (bootleg?) 1982 Hara Industries Jack the Giantkiller
2562 trigon Trigon (Japan) 1990 Konami GX939
2563 triplep Triple Punch 1982 KKI Galaxian
2564 tripool Tri-Pool (Casino Tech) 1981 Noma (Casino Tech license) Jack the Giantkiller
2565 tripoola Tri-Pool (Costal Games) 1981 Noma (Costal Games license) Jack the Giantkiller
2566 trojan Trojan (US) 1986 Capcom hardware
2567 trojanj Tatakai no Banka (Japan) 1986 Capcom hardware
2568 trojanr Trojan (Romstar) 1986 Capcom (Romstar license) hardware
2569 trophyh Trophy Hunting – Bear & Moose V1.0 2002 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2570 truxton TruxtonTatsujin 1988 [Toaplan] Taito Corporation Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2571 truxton2 Truxton IITatsujin Oh 1992 Toaplan Toaplan GP9001 based
2572 tst_galx Galaxian Test ROM 1979 Test ROM Galaxian
2573 ttmahjng Mahjong 1980 Taito Route 16
2574 tturf Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104) 1989 Sega / Sunsoft System 16B
2575 tturfu Tough Turf (set 1, US, 8751 317-0099) 1989 Sega / Sunsoft System 16B
2576 tumbleb Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2577 tumbleb2 Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2578 turbofrc Turbo Force 1991 Video System Co. Video System
2579 turfmast Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf 1996 Nazca Neo Geo
2580 turkhunt Turkey Hunting USA V1.0 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2581 turpin Turpin 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian
2582 turpins Turpin (bootleg on Scramble hardware) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2583 turtles Turtles 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2584 twinactn Twin Action 1995 Afega NMK16
2585 twinadv Twin Adventure (World) 1995 Barko Corp Kaneko Pandora based
2586 twinadvk Twin Adventure (Korea) 1995 Barko Corp Kaneko Pandora based
2587 twinhawk Twin Hawk (World) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-X
2588 twinhawku Twin Hawk (US) 1989 Taito America Corporation Taito-X
2589 twinkle Twinkle 1997 SemiCom Kaneko Pandora based
2590 twinspri Twinkle Star Sprites 1996 ADK Neo Geo
2591 tws96 Tecmo World Soccer ’96 1996 Tecmo Neo Geo
2592 typhoon Typhoon 1987 Konami GX770
2593 uballoon Ultra Balloon 1996 SunA Miscellaneous
2594 uecology Ultimate Ecology (931203 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2595 ultraman Ultraman (Japan) 1991 Banpresto/Bandai GX910
2596 uniwars UniWar S 1980 Irem Galaxian
2597 unsquad U.N. Squadron (US) 1989 Daipro / Capcom CPS1
2598 uopoko Puzzle Uo Poko (International) 1999 Cave / Jaleco Cave
2599 upndown Up’n Down (315-5030) 1983 Sega System 1
2600 upndownu Up’n Down (not encrypted) 1983 Sega System 1
2601 vampj Vampire – the night warriors (940705 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2602 vampja Vampire – the night warriors (940705 Japan, alt) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2603 vampjr1 Vampire – the night warriors (940630 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2604 vandyke Vandyke (Japan) 1990 UPL NMK16
2605 vandykeb Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) 1990 [UPL] (bootleg) NMK16
2606 vandykejal Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 1) 1990 UPL (Jaleco license) NMK16
2607 vandykejal2 Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 2) 1990 UPL (Jaleco license) NMK16
2608 vanvan Van-Van Car 1983 Sanritsu Pac-man
2609 vanvanb Van-Van Car (set 3) 1983 Karateco Pac-man
2610 vanvank Van-Van Car (Karateco) 1983 Karateco Pac-man
2611 varth Varth – operation thunderstorm (920714 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2612 varthj Varth – operation thunderstorm (920714 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2613 varthr1 Varth – operation thunderstorm (920612 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2614 varthu Varth – operation thunderstorm (920612 USA) 1992 Capcom (Romstar license) CPS1
2615 vendetta Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T) 1991 Konami GX081
2616 vendetta2p Vendetta (World 2 Players ver. W) 1991 Konami GX081
2617 vendetta2pd Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. D) 1991 Konami GX081
2618 vendetta2pu Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. U) 1991 Konami GX081
2619 vendettaj Crime Fighters 2 (Japan 2 Players ver. P) 1991 Konami GX081
2620 vendettar Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. R) 1991 Konami GX081
2621 venus Venus 1983 bootleg Miscellaneous
2622 vfive V-Five (Japan) 1993 Toaplan Toaplan GP9001 based
2623 vhunt2 Vampire Hunter 2 – darkstalkers revenge (970929 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2624 vhunt2r1 Vampire Hunter 2 – darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2625 vhuntj Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950316 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2626 vhuntjr1 Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950307 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2627 vhuntjr2 Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950302 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2628 victnine Victorious Nine 1984 Taito Miscellaneous
2629 viewpoin Viewpoint 1992 Sammy Neo Geo
2630 vigilant Vigilante (World) 1988 Irem Miscellaneous
2631 vigilantj Vigilante (Japan) 1988 Irem Miscellaneous
2632 vigilantu Vigilante (US) 1988 Irem (Data East USA License) Miscellaneous
2633 vimana Vimana 1991 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2634 vimana1 Vimana (old set) 1991 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2635 vimanan Vimana (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co) 1991 Toaplan (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co license) Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2636 vliner V-Liner (set 1) 2001 Dyna / BreezaSoft Neo Geo
2637 vlinero V-Liner (set 2) 2001 Dyna / BreezaSoft Neo Geo
2638 vpool Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2639 vsav Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Euro) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2640 vsav2 Vampire Savior 2 – the lord of vampire (970913 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2641 vsava Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Asia) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2642 vsavd Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1997 bootleg CPS2
2643 vsavh Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Hispanic) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2644 vsavj Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2645 vsavu Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 USA) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2646 vulcan Vulcan Venture 1988 Konami GX785
2647 vulgus Vulgus (set 1) 1984 Capcom Misc
2648 vulgus2 Vulgus (set 2) 1984 Capcom Misc
2649 vulgusj Vulgus (Japan?) 1984 Capcom Misc
2650 wakuwak7 Waku Waku 7 1996 Sunsoft Neo Geo
2651 wallc Wall Crash (set 1) 1984 Midcoin Miscellaneous
2652 wallca Wall Crash (set 2) 1984 Midcoin Miscellaneous
2653 warofbug War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze 1981 Armenia Galaxian
2654 warzard War-Zard / Red Earth (Japan 961121) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2655 wb3 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 5, World, System 16B, 8751 317-0098) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2656 wb31 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0084) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16A
2657 wb32 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0085) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2658 wb33 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16B, FD1094 317-0089) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2659 wb34 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0087) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2660 wbdeluxe Wonder Boy Deluxe 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2661 wboy Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2662 wboy2 Wonder Boy (set 2, 315-5178) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2663 wboy2u Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2664 wboy3 Wonder Boy (set 3, 315-5135) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2665 wboy4 Wonder Boy (set 4, 315-5162) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2666 wboyo Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5135) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2667 wboyu Wonder Boy (not encrypted) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2668 wc90 World Cup ’90 (World) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2669 wc90a World Cup ’90 (Euro set 1) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2670 wc90b World Cup ’90 (Euro set 2) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2671 wc90t World Cup ’90 (trackball) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2672 welltris Welltris (World?, 2 players) 1991 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2673 welltrisj Welltris (Japan, 2 players) 1991 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2674 wh1 World Heroes (set 1) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2675 wh1h World Heroes (set 2) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2676 wh1ha World Heroes (set 3) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2677 wh2 World Heroes 2 1993 ADK Neo Geo
2678 wh2j World Heroes 2 Jet (set 1) 1994 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2679 wh2jh World Heroes 2 Jet (set 2) 1994 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2680 whp World Heroes Perfect 1995 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2681 wildfang Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2682 willow Willow (US) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2683 willowj Willow (Japan, Japanese) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2684 willowje Willow (Japan, English) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2685 wintbob The Winter Bobble (bootleg) 1990 bootleg Kaneko Pandora based
2686 wjammers Windjammers / Flying Power Disc 1994 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2687 wlstar Wonder League Star – Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) 1995 Mijin Miscellaneous
2688 wmatch Water Match (315-5064) 1984 Sega System 1
2689 wndrplnt Wonder Planet (Japan) 1987 Data East Corporation Miscellaneous
2690 wof Warriors of Fate (921002 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2691 wof3js Sangokushi II: San Jian Sheng (Chinese bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2692 wofa Sangokushi II (921005 Asia) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2693 wofhfh Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2694 wofu Warriors of Fate (921031 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2695 wonder3 Wonder 3 (910520 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2696 wondl96 Wonder League ’96 (Korea) 1995 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2697 wondstck Wonder Stick ???? Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2698 woodpeck Woodpecker (set 1) 1981 Amenip (Palcom Queen River) Pac-man
2699 wownfant WOW New Fantasia 2002 Comad Miscellaneous
2700 wrestwar Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103) 1988 Sega System 16B
2701 wrestwar1 Wrestle War (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0090) 1988 Sega System 16B
2702 wrestwar2 Wrestle War (set 2, World, FD1094 317-0102) 1988 Sega System 16B
2703 wschamp Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2704 wschampa Wing Shooting Championship V1.01 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2705 wwallyj Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B) 1992 Sega System 18
2706 wwallyja Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan, FD1094 317-0197A) 1992 Sega System 18
2707 wwfsstar WWF Superstars (Europe) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2708 wwfsstara WWF Superstars (US, Newer) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2709 wwfsstaru WWF Superstars (US) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2710 wwfwfest WWF WrestleFest (US set 1) 1991 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2711 wwfwfesta WWF WrestleFest (US Tecmo) 1991 Technos Japan (Tecmo License) Miscellaneous
2712 wwfwfestb WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2713 wwfwfestj WWF WrestleFest (Japan) 1991 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2714 xmcota X-Men – children of the atom (950105 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2715 xmcotaa X-Men – children of the atom (941217 Asia) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2716 xmcotad X-Men – children of the atom (950105 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1995 bootleg CPS2
2717 xmcotah X-Men – children of the atom (950331 Hispanic) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2718 xmcotaj X-Men – children of the atom (941222 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2719 xmcotaj1 X-Men – children of the atom (941219 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2720 xmcotaj2 X-Men – children of the atom (941217 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2721 xmcotajr X-Men – children of the atom (941208 Japan, rent version) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2722 xmcotau X-Men – children of the atom (950105 USA) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2723 xmen X-Men (4 Players ver UBB) 1992 Konami GX065
2724 xmen2pa X-Men (2 Players ver AAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2725 xmen2pe X-Men (2 Players ver EAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2726 xmen2pj X-Men (2 Players ver JAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2727 xmene X-Men (4 Players ver EBA) 1992 Konami GX065
2728 xmenj X-Men (4 Players ver JBA) 1992 Konami GX065
2729 xmvsf X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2730 xmvsfa X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2731 xmvsfar1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960919 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2732 xmvsfb X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2733 xmvsfh X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2734 xmvsfj X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2735 xmvsfjr1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2736 xmvsfjr2 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960909 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2737 xmvsfr1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2738 xmvsfu X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2739 xmvsfu1d X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2740 xmvsfur1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2741 yankeedo Yankee DO! 1982 hack misc
2742 zedblade Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok 1994 NMK Neo Geo
2743 zeropnt Zero Point (set 1) 1998 Unico Unico
2744 zeropnt2 Zero Point 2 1999 Unico Unico
2745 zeropnta Zero Point (set 2) 1998 Unico Unico
2746 zerotime Zero Time 1979 Petaco S.A Galaxian
2747 zerowing Zero Wing 1989 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2748 zerowing2 Zero Wing (2 player simultaneous ver.) 1989 [Toaplan] Williams Electronics Games, Inc Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2749 zerozone Zero Zone 1993 Comad Miscellaneous
2750 zigzag Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) 1982 LAX Galaxian
2751 zigzag2 Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 2) 1982 LAX Galaxian
2752 zintrckb Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (hack / bootleg) 1996 hack / bootleg Neo Geo
2753 zupapa Zupapa! 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2754 zupapan Zupapa! (decrypted C) 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2755 zzyzzyxx Zzyzzyxx (set 1) 1982 Cinematronics + Advanced Microcomputer Systems Jack the Giantkiller
2756 zzyzzyxx2 Zzyzzyxx (set 2) 1982 Cinematronics + Advanced Microcomputer Systems Jack the Giantkiller
2002 qgakumon Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA2 Type L) 1993 Konami GX248
2003 qjinsei Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) 1992 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2004 qsangoku Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) 1991 Capcom Miscellaneous
2005 qtono1 Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) 1991 Capcom Miscellaneous
2006 qtorimon Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2007 quartet Quartet (Rev A, 8751 317-unknown) 1986 Sega System 16A
2008 quartet2 Quartet 2 (8751 317-0010) 1986 Sega System 16A
2009 quartet2a Quartet 2 (unprotected) 1986 Sega System 16A
2010 quarteta Quartet (8751 315-5194) 1986 Sega System 16A
2011 quarth Quarth (Japan) 1989 Konami GX973
2012 quiz18k Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin 1992 EIM Miscellaneous
2013 quizdais Quiz Daisousa Sen – The Last Count Down 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2014 quizhq Quiz H.Q. (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2015 quizkof Quiz King of Fighters 1995 Saurus Neo Geo
2016 quizo Quiz Olympic 1985 Seoul Coin Corp. Miscellaneous
2017 qzchikyu Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) 1991 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2018 rachero Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) 1989 Sega X-Board
2019 racknrol Rack + Roll 1986 Status (Shinkai License) Galaxian
2020 radicasf Radica: Street Fighter Pack (Street Fighter 2′ Special Champion Edition, Ghouls and Ghosts) (EURO) 2004 Radica Games / Capcom Megadrive
2021 raflesia Rafflesia (315-5162) 1986 Coreland / Sega System 1
2022 ragnagrd Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken 1996 Saurus Neo Geo
2023 raiden Raiden 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu Miscellaneous
2024 raidena Raiden (Alternate Hardware) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu Miscellaneous
2025 raidenk Raiden (Korea) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu (IBL Corporation license) Miscellaneous
2026 raident Raiden (Taiwan) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu (Liang HWA Electronics license) Miscellaneous
2027 raiga Raiga – Strato Fighter (Japan) 1991 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2028 rainbow Rainbow Islands (new version) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2029 rainbowe Rainbow Islands (Extra) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2030 rainbowo Rainbow Islands (old version) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2031 rallybik Rally Bike / Dash Yarou 1988 [Toaplan] Taito Corporation Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2032 raphero Rapid Hero 1994 Media Trading Corp NMK16
2033 rastan Rastan (World) 1987 Taito Corporation Japan Taito Misc
2034 rastanu Rastan (US set 1) 1987 Taito America Corporation Taito Misc
2035 rastanu2 Rastan (US set 2) 1987 Taito America Corporation Taito Misc
2036 rastsaga Rastan Saga (Japan) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2037 rastsaga1 Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) 1987 Taito Corporation Taito Misc
2038 rbff1 Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 1995 SNK Neo Geo
2039 rbffspec Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special 1996 SNK Neo Geo
2040 rchase Rail Chase (Japan) 1991 Sega Y-Board
2041 redearth Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2042 redeartn Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121, NO CD) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2043 redhawk Red Hawk (US) 1997 Afega (New Vision Ent. license) NMK16
2044 redhawkb Vince (Redhawk bootleg) 1997 bootleg NMK16
2045 redhawke Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) 1997 Afega (Excellent Co. license) NMK16
2046 redhawki Red Hawk (Italy) 1997 Afega (Hea Dong Corp license) NMK16
2047 redufo Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO 19?? bootleg Galaxian
2048 regulus Regulus (315-5033, rev. A) 1983 Sega System 1
2049 reguluso Regulus (315-5033) 1983 Sega System 1
2050 regulusu Regulus (not encrypted) 1983 Sega System 1
2051 renegade Renegade (US) 1986 Technos (Taito America license) Miscellaneous
2052 repulse Repulse 1985 Sega Kyugo
2053 rescue Rescue 1982 Stern Galaxian
2054 retofin3 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 3) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2055 retofinv Return of the Invaders 1985 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2056 retofinv1 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2057 retofinv2 Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2058 ridhero Riding Hero (set 1) 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2059 ridheroh Riding Hero (set 2) 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2060 ringdest Ring of Destruction – slammasters II (940902 Euro) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2061 ringdstd Ring of Destruction – slammasters II (940902 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1994 bootleg CPS2
2062 ringohja Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N) 1988 Konami GX799
2063 riot Riot 1992 NMK Miscellaneous
2064 riotcity Riot City (Japan) 1991 Sega / Westone System 16B
2065 rmancp2j Rockman: The Power Battle (950922 Japan) 1999 Capcom CPS2
2066 roboarmy Robo Army 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2067 rockclim Rock Climber 1981 Taito Galaxian
2068 rockduck Rock Duck (prototype?) 1983 Datel SAS misc
2069 rockman2j Rockman 2 – the power fighters (960708 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2070 rockmanj Rockman – the power battle (950922 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS1
2071 rocktrv2 MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) 1986 Triumph Software Inc. Pac-man
2072 rollerg Rollergames (US) 1991 Konami GX999
2073 rollergj Rollergames (Japan) 1991 Konami GX999
2074 rotd Rage of the Dragons 2002 Evoga / Playmore Neo Geo
2075 rotdnd Rage of the Dragons (decrypted C) 2002 Evoga / Playmore Neo Geo
2076 route16 Route 16 1981 Tehkan/Sun (Centuri license) Route 16
2077 route16a Route 16 (set 2) 1981 Tehkan/Sun (Centuri license) Route 16
2078 route16b Route 16 (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Route 16
2079 routex Route X (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Route 16
2080 runark Runark (Japan) 1990 Taito Corporation Taito-F2
2081 rushatck Rush’n Attack (US) 1985 Konami Miscellaneous
2082 rushcrsh Rush & Crash (Japan) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2083 rygar Rygar (US set 1) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2084 rygar2 Rygar (US set 2) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2085 rygar3 Rygar (US set 3, old version) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2086 rygarj Argus no Senshi (Japan) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2087 ryukendn Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2088 ryukendna Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 2) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2089 ryukyu RyuKyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023) 1990 Success / Sega System 16B
2090 s1945 Strikers 1945 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2091 s1945a Strikers 1945 (Alt) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2092 s1945ii Strikers 1945 II 1997 Psikyo PS3-V1
2093 s1945iii Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) 1999 Psikyo PS5
2094 s1945j Strikers 1945 (Japan) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2095 s1945jn Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2096 s1945k Strikers 1945 (Korea) 1995 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2097 s1945p Strikers 1945 Plus 1999 Psikyo Neo Geo
2098 s1945pn Strikers 1945 Plus (decrypted C) 1999 Psikyo Neo Geo
2099 sabotenb Saboten Bombers (set 1) 1992 NMK / Tecmo NMK16
2100 sabotenba Saboten Bombers (set 2) 1992 NMK / Tecmo NMK16
2101 samesame2 Same! Same! Same! 1989 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2102 samsho Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 1) 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2103 samshoh Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 2) 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2104 samuraia Samurai Aces (World) 1993 Psikyo / Banpresto Psikyo 68EC020
2105 saturn Saturn 1983 [Zilec Electronics] Jaleco hardware
2106 savagere Savage Reign / Fu’un Mokushiroku – kakutou sousei 1995 SNK Neo Geo
2107 savgbees Savage Bees 1985 Capcom (Memetron license) Miscellaneous
2108 sbbros Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) 1990 Mitchell + Capcom Miscellaneous
2109 sboblboa Super Bobble Bobble (set 1) 1986 bootleg Taito Misc
2110 sboblbob Super Bobble Bobble (set 2) 1986 bootleg Taito Misc
2111 sbomberb Space Bomber (ver. B) 1998 Psikyo PS3-V1
2112 sbsgomo Space Battle Ship Gomorrah 1990 UPL NMK16
2113 sci Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2114 scia Special Criminal Investigation (World set 2) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2115 scij Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) 1989 Taito Corporation Taito-Z
2116 scinegro Special Criminal Investigation (Negro bootleg) 1989 Negro Taito-Z
2117 sciu Special Criminal Investigation (US) 1989 Taito America Corporation Taito-Z
2118 scobra Super Cobra 1981 Konami Galaxian
2119 scobrab Super Cobra (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2120 scobras Super Cobra (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2121 scobrase Super Cobra (Sega) 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian
2122 scontra Super Contra 1988 Konami GX775
2123 scontraj Super Contra (Japan) 1988 Konami GX775
2124 scorpion Scorpion (set 1) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2125 scorpiona Scorpion (set 2) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2126 scorpionb Scorpion (set 3) 1982 Zaccaria Galaxian
2127 scorpionmc Scorpion (Moon Cresta hardware) 19?? Dorneer Galaxian
2128 scotrsht Scooter Shooter 1985 Konami Miscellaneous
2129 scramb2 Scramble (bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2130 scramblb Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2131 scramble Scramble 1981 Konami Galaxian
2132 scramblebf Scramble (Karateko, French bootleg) 1981 Karateko (bootleg) Galaxian
2133 scrambles Scramble (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2134 scregg Scrambled Egg 1983 Technos misc
2135 sdfight SD Fighters (Korea) 1996 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2136 sdi SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) 1987 Sega System 16A
2137 sdib SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) 1987 Sega System 16B
2138 sdibl SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg) 1987 Sega System 16B
2139 searchar SAR – Search And Rescue (World) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2140 searcharj SAR – Search And Rescue (Japan) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2141 searcharu SAR – Search And Rescue (US) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2142 searchey Search Eye 1999 Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2143 searchp2 Search Eye Plus V2.0 1999 Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2144 sectionz Section Z (set 1) 1985 Capcom hardware
2145 sectionza Section Z (set 2) 1985 Capcom hardware
2146 seganinj Sega Ninja (315-5102) 1985 Sega System 1
2147 seganinju Sega Ninja (not encrypted) 1985 Sega System 1
2148 semibase MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea) 1997 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2149 sengokh Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 2) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2150 sengoku Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 1) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2151 sengoku2 Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 1993 SNK Neo Geo
2152 sengoku3 Sengoku 3 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2153 sf Street Fighter (World) 1987 Capcom Misc
2154 sf2 Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910522 etc) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2155 sf2acc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Accelerator!) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2156 sf2accp2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Accelerator Pt.II) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2157 sf2ce Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920313 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2158 sf2cej Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920513 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2159 sf2ceua Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920313 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2160 sf2ceub Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920513 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2161 sf2ceuc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (street fighter 2′ 920803 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2162 sf2dkot2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Double K.O. Turbo II) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2163 sf2eb Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 etc) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2164 sf2ebbl Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 etc, TAB Austria bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2165 sf2hf Street Fighter II’ – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 ETC) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2166 sf2j Street Fighter II – the world warrior (911210 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2167 sf2ja Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2168 sf2jc Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910306 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2169 sf2koryu Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (Chinese bootleg, Xiang Long) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2170 sf2m10 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M10) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2171 sf2m11 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M11) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2172 sf2m12 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M12) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2173 sf2m13 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M13) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2174 sf2m2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2175 sf2m3 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M3) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2176 sf2m4 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M4) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2177 sf2m5 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M5) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2178 sf2m6 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M6) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2179 sf2m7 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M7) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2180 sf2m8 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M8) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2181 sf2m9 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, M9) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2182 sf2qp1 Street Fighter II – the world warrior (bootleg, Quicken Pt-I) 1991 bootleg CPS1
2183 sf2rb Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 1) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2184 sf2rb2 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2185 sf2rb3 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Rainbow set 3) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2186 sf2red Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Red Wave) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2187 sf2t Street Fighter II’ – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2188 sf2tj Street Fighter II’ Turbo – hyper fighting (street fighter 2′ T 921209 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2189 sf2tlona Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Slay the Dragon set 1) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2190 sf2tlonb Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, Slay the Dragon set 2) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2191 sf2ua Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910206 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2192 sf2ub Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910214 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2193 sf2ud Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910318 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2194 sf2ue Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910228 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2195 sf2uf Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910411 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2196 sf2ui Street Fighter II – the world warrior (910522 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2197 sf2uk Street Fighter II – the world warrior (911101 USA) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2198 sf2v004 Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, V004) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2199 sf2yyc Street Fighter II’ – champion edition (bootleg, YYC) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2200 sfa Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950727 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2201 sfa2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960229 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2202 sfa2u Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960306 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2203 sfa3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 Euro) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2204 sfa3b Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 Brazil) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2205 sfa3u Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2206 sfa3ud Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 USA Phoenix Edition) 1998 bootleg CPS2
2207 sfa3ur1 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980629 USA) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2208 sfad Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950727 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1995 bootleg CPS2
2209 sfar1 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950718 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2210 sfar2 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950627 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2211 sfar3 Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950605 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2212 sfau Street Fighter Alpha – warriors’ dreams (950627 USA) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2213 sfiii Street Fighter III: New Generation (USA 970204) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2214 sfiii2 Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2215 sfiii2j Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Japan 970930) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2216 sfiii2n Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Asia 970930, NO CD) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2217 sfiii3 Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990608) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2218 sfiii3a Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2219 sfiii3an Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512, NO CD) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2220 sfiii3n Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608, NO CD) 1999 Capcom CPS-3
2221 sfiiij Street Fighter III: New Generation (Japan 970204) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2222 sfiiin Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD) 1997 Capcom CPS-3
2223 sfj Street Fighter (Japan) 1987 Capcom Misc
2224 sfp Street Fighter (Prototype) 1987 Capcom Misc
2225 sfus Street Fighter (US) 1987 Capcom Misc
2226 sfx SF-X 1983 Nichibutsu Galaxian
2227 sfz2a Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2228 sfz2ad Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Asia Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2229 sfz2al Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2230 sfz2alb Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2231 sfz2ald Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2232 sfz2alh Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960813 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2233 sfz2alj Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2234 sfz2b Street Fighter Zero 2 (960531 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2235 sfz2br1 Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2236 sfz2h Street Fighter Zero 2 (960304 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2237 sfz2j Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2238 sfz2n Street Fighter Zero 2 (960229 Oceania) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2239 sfz3a Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Asia) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2240 sfz3ar1 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980701 Asia) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2241 sfz3j Street Fighter Zero 3 (980904 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2242 sfz3jr1 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980727 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2243 sfz3jr2 Street Fighter Zero 3 (980629 Japan) 1998 Capcom CPS2
2244 sfza Street Fighter Zero (950627 Asia) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2245 sfzb Street Fighter Zero (951109 Brazil) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2246 sfzbr1 Street Fighter Zero (950727 Brazil) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2247 sfzch Street Fighter Zero (951020 CPS Changer) 1995 Capcom CPS Changer
2248 sfzh Street Fighter Zero (950627 Hispanic) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2249 sfzj Street Fighter Zero (950727 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2250 sfzjr1 Street Fighter Zero (950627 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2251 sfzjr2 Street Fighter Zero (950605 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2252 sgemf Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2253 sgemfa Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Asia) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2254 sgemfd Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA Phoenix Edition) 1997 bootleg CPS2
2255 sgemfh Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 Hispanic) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2256 shackled Shackled (US) 1986 Data East USA hardware
2257 shadfrce Shadow Force (US Version 2) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2258 shadfrcej Shadow Force (Japan Version 3) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2259 shadfrcejv2 Shadow Force (Japan Version 2) 1993 Technos Japan misc
2260 shadoww Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2261 shadowwa Shadow Warriors (World, set 2) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2262 shangon Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) 1987 Sega Out Run
2263 shangon2 Super Hang-On (mini ride-on, Rev A, FD1089B 317-0034) 1987 Sega Out Run
2264 shangon3 Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, FD1089B 317-0034) 1987 Sega Out Run
2265 shangonle Limited Edition Hang-On 1991 Sega Out Run
2266 sharrier Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) 1985 Sega Hang-On
2267 sharrier1 Space Harrier (8751 315-5163) 1985 Sega Hang-On
2268 shdancer Shadow Dancer (set 3, US) 1989 Sega System 18
2269 shdancer1 Shadow Dancer (set 1) 1989 Sega System 18
2270 shdancerj Shadow Dancer (set 2, Japan) 1989 Sega System 18
2271 shinobi Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected) 1987 Sega System 16A
2272 shinobi1 Shinobi (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0050) 1987 Sega System 16A
2273 shinobi2 Shinobi (set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0049) 1987 Sega System 16B
2274 shinobi3 Shinobi (set 3, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) 1987 Sega System 16B
2275 shinobi4 Shinobi (set 4, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) 1987 Sega System 16B
2276 shinobi5 Shinobi (set 5, System 16B, unprotected) 1987 Sega System 16B
2277 shinobls Shinobi (Star bootleg, System 16A) 1987 bootleg System 16A
2278 shocking Shocking 1997 Yun Sung Yun Sung 16 Bit
2279 shocktr2 Shock Troopers – 2nd Squad 1998 Saurus Neo Geo
2280 shocktra Shock Troopers (set 2) 1997 Saurus Neo Geo
2281 shocktro Shock Troopers (set 1) 1997 Saurus Neo Geo
2282 shootbul Shoot the Bull 1985 Bally Midway Pac-man
2283 silkroad The Legend of Silkroad 1999 Unico Miscellaneous
2284 silkworm Silk Worm (set 1) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2285 silkworm2 Silk Worm (set 2) 1988 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2286 simpsons The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) 1991 Konami GX072
2287 simpsons2p The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1) 1991 Konami GX072
2288 simpsons2p2 The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 2) 1991 Konami GX072
2289 simpsons2pa The Simpsons (2 Players Asia) 1991 Konami GX072
2290 simpsons2pj The Simpsons (2 Players Japan) 1991 Konami GX072
2291 simpsons4pa The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 2) 1991 Konami GX072
2292 sinvasn Space Invasion (Europe) 1985 Capcom Miscellaneous
2293 sinvasnb Space Invasion (bootleg) 1985 bootleg Miscellaneous
2294 skybase Sky Base 1982 Omori Electric Co. Ltd Galaxian
2295 skyfox Sky Fox 1987 Jaleco (Nichibutsu USA license) Miscellaneous
2296 skykid Sky Kid (new version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2297 skykidd Sky Kid (CUS60 version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2298 skykido Sky Kid (old version) 1985 Namco Miscellaneous
2299 skykids Sky Kid (Sipem) 1985 Namco [Sipem license] Miscellaneous
2300 skylancr Sky Lancer 1983 Orca misc
2301 skylancre Sky Lancer (Esco Trading Co license) 1983 Orca (Esco Trading Co license) misc
2302 skyraidr Sky Raiders 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2303 skysmash Sky Smasher 1990 Nihon System Miscellaneous
2304 skywolf Sky Wolf (set 1) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2305 skywolf2 Sky Wolf (set 2) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2306 skywolf3 Sky Wolf (set 3) 1987 bootleg Kyugo
2307 slammast Saturday Night Slam Masters (Slam Masters 930713 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS1
2308 slammastu Saturday Night Slam Masters (slam masters 930713 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS1
2309 slapbtjp Slap Fight (Japan bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2310 slapbtuk Slap Fight (English bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2311 slapfgtr Slap Fight (bootleg) 1986 Taito Early Toaplan
2312 smbomb Super Muscle Bomber – the international blowout (940831 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2313 smbombr1 Super Muscle Bomber – the international blowout (940808 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2314 smgp Super Monaco GP (set 9, World, Rev B, ‘Twin’, FD1094 317-0126a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2315 smgp5 Super Monaco GP (set 7, World, ‘Air Drive Cabinet’, FD1094 317-0126) 1989 Sega X-Board
2316 smgp6 Super Monaco GP (set 8, World, Rev A, FD1094 317-0126a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2317 smgpj Super Monaco GP (set 2, Japan, Rev B, FD1094 317-0124a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2318 smgpja Super Monaco GP (set 1, Japan, Rev A, FD1094 317-0124a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2319 smgpu Super Monaco GP (set 6, US, Rev C, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2320 smgpu1 Super Monaco GP (set 5, US, Rev B, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2321 smgpu2 Super Monaco GP (set 4, US, Rev A, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2322 smgpu3 Super Monaco GP (set 3, US, FD1094 317-0125a) 1989 Sega X-Board
2323 smooncrs Super Moon Cresta 1981? Gremlin Galaxian
2324 snapjack Snap Jack 1982 Universal Miscellaneous
2325 snapper Snapper (Korea) 1990 Philko System 16B
2326 sngkace Sengoku Ace (Japan) 1993 Psikyo / Banpresto Psikyo 68EC020
2327 sngoku3n Sengoku 3 (decrypted C) 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2328 snowbros Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 1) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2329 snowbros3 Snow Brothers 3 – Magical Adventure 2002 bootleg Kaneko Pandora based
2330 snowbrosa Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 2) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2331 snowbrosb Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 3) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2332 snowbrosc Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 4) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2333 snowbrosd Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (Dooyong license) 1990 Toaplan (Dooyong license) Kaneko Pandora based
2334 snowbrosj Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (Japan) 1990 Toaplan Kaneko Pandora based
2335 socbrawl Soccer Brawl (set 1) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2336 socbrawla Soccer Brawl (set 2) 1991 SNK Neo Geo
2337 soldivid Sol Divide – The Sword Of Darkness 1997 Psikyo PS3-V1
2338 solfigtr Solitary Fighter (World) 1991 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2
2339 solomon Solomon’s Key (US) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2340 solomonj Solomon’s Key (Japan) 1986 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2341 sonicbom Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) 1987 Sega System 16B
2342 sonicwi Sonic Wings (Japan) 1992 Video System Co. Video System
2343 sonicwi2 Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 1994 Video System Co. Neo Geo
2344 sonicwi3 Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 1995 Video System Co. Neo Geo
2345 sonofphx Son of Phoenix 1985 Associated Overseas MFR, Inc Kyugo
2346 sonson Son Son 1984 Capcom Miscellaneous
2347 sonsonj Son Son (Japan) 1984 Capcom Miscellaneous
2348 spacbat2 Space Battle (bootleg set 2) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2349 spacbatt Space Battle (bootleg set 1) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2350 spacecho Space Echo (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Route 16
2351 spacegun Space Gun (World) 1990 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-Z
2352 spacempr Space Empire (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2353 spang Super Pang (World 900914) 1990 Mitchell Miscellaneous
2354 spangj Super Pang (Japan 901023) 1990 Mitchell Miscellaneous
2355 spatter Spatter 1984 Sega System 1
2356 spcdrag Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 1) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2357 spcdraga Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 2) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2358 spcpostn Space Position (Japan) 1986 Sega / Nasco Miscellaneous
2359 spctbird Space Thunderbird 1981? Fortrek Galaxian
2360 spdcoin Speed Coin (prototype) 1984 Stern Galaxian
2361 speakres Speak & Rescue 1980 Sun Electronics Route 16
2362 spec2k Spectrum 2000 (Euro) 2000 YONA Tech NMK16
2363 speedspn Speed Spin 1994 TCH Miscellaneous
2364 spf2t Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960620 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2365 spf2ta Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960529 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2366 spf2th Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960531 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2367 spf2xj Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2368 spf2xjd Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X 960531 Japan Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2369 spinlbrk Spinal Breakers (World) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2370 spinlbrkj Spinal Breakers (Japan) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2371 spinlbrku Spinal Breakers (US) 1990 V-System Co. V-System
2372 spinmast Spin Master / Miracle Adventure 1993 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2373 sprglbpg Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German 1983 bootleg Pac-man
2374 sprglobp Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) 1983 Epos Corporation Pac-man
2375 spy S.P.Y. – Special Project Y (World ver. N) 1989 Konami GX857
2376 spyu S.P.Y. – Special Project Y (US ver. M) 1989 Konami GX857
2377 sraider Space Raider 1982 Universal Miscellaneous
2378 srdarwin Super Real Darwin (World) 1987 Data East Corporation hardware
2379 srdarwinj Super Real Darwin (Japan) 1987 Data East Corporation hardware
2380 srdmissn S.R.D. Mission 1986 Taito Corporation Kyugo
2381 srumbler The Speed Rumbler (set 1) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2382 srumbler2 The Speed Rumbler (set 2) 1986 Capcom Miscellaneous
2383 ssanchan Sanrin San Chan (Japan) 1984 Sega System 1
2384 sscandal Seishun Scandal (315-5132, Japan) 1985 Coreland / Sega System 1
2385 ssf2 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2386 ssf2a Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Asia) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2387 ssf2ar1 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930914 Asia) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2388 ssf2h Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Hispanic) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2389 ssf2j Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 931005 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2390 ssf2jr1 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2391 ssf2jr2 Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930910 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2392 ssf2t Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2393 ssf2ta Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Asia) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2394 ssf2tb Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (931119 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2395 ssf2tbd Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (931119 etc Phoenix Edition) 1993 bootleg CPS2
2396 ssf2tbj Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (930911 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2397 ssf2tbr1 Super Street Fighter II – the tournament battle (930911 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2398 ssf2tu Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940323 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2399 ssf2tur1 Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2400 ssf2u Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2401 ssf2ud Super Street Fighter II – the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 USA Phoenix Edition) 1993 bootleg CPS2
2402 ssf2xj Super Street Fighter II X – grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2403 ssf2xjd Super Street Fighter II X – grand master challenge (super street fighter 2 X 940223 Japan Phoenix Edition) 1994 bootleg CPS2
2404 ssi Super Space Invaders ’91 (World) 1990 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2
2405 ssideki Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou 1992 SNK Neo Geo
2406 ssmissin S.S. Mission 1992 Comad NMK16
2407 ssriders Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC) 1991 Konami GX064
2408 ssridersabd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD) 1991 Konami GX064
2409 ssridersadd Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD) 1991 Konami GX064
2410 ssriderseaa Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA) 1991 Konami GX064
2411 ssridersebc Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC) 1991 Konami GX064
2412 ssridersebd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD) 1991 Konami GX064
2413 ssridersjbd Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD) 1991 Konami GX064
2414 ssridersuac Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC) 1991 Konami GX064
2415 ssridersubc Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC) 1991 Konami GX064
2416 ssridersuda Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA) 1991 Konami GX064
2417 sstriker Sorcer Striker (World) 1993 Raizing Toaplan GP9001 based
2418 sstrikera Sorcer Striker (World, alt) 1993 Raizing Toaplan GP9001 based
2419 stagger1 Stagger I (Japan) 1998 Afega NMK16
2420 stakwin Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner – GI kinzen seihae no michi 1995 Saurus Neo Geo
2421 stakwin2 Stakes Winner 2 1996 Saurus Neo Geo
2422 starfght Star Fighter 1979 Juetel Galaxian
2423 starjack Star Jacker (Sega) 1983 Sega System 1
2424 starjacks Star Jacker (Stern) 1983 Sega System 1
2425 stera Steraranger (Moon Cresta bootleg) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2426 strahl Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) 1992 UPL NMK16
2427 strahla Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 2) 1992 UPL NMK16
2428 stratgys Strategy X (Stern) 1981 Konami (Stern License) Galaxian
2429 stratgyx Strategy X 1981 Konami Galaxian
2430 stratof Raiga – Strato Fighter (US) 1991 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2431 stratvox Stratovox 1980 [Sun Electronics] (Taito license) Route 16
2432 stratvoxb Stratovox (bootleg) 1980 bootleg Route 16
2433 streakng Streaking 1981 Shoei Galaxian
2434 streetsm Street Smart (US version 2) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2435 streetsm1 Street Smart (US version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2436 streetsmj Street Smart (Japan version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2437 streetsmw Street Smart (World version 1) 1989 SNK Miscellaneous
2438 strfbomb Strafe Bomb 1981 Omni Galaxian
2439 strhoop Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream 1994 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2440 strider Strider (US set 1) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2441 striderj Strider Hiryu (Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2442 striderua Strider (US set 2) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2443 striv Super Triv 1985 Hara Industries Jack the Giantkiller
2444 strkfgtr Strike Fighter (Japan) 1991 Sega Y-Board
2445 strongx Strong X 1982 bootleg Galaxian
2446 sucasino Super Casino 1984 Data Amusement Jack the Giantkiller
2447 sunaq SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) 1994 SunA Miscellaneous
2448 superbon Agent Super Bond (scobra hardware) 1985 Signaton USA Galaxian
2449 superg Super Galaxians (galaxiaj hack) 1979 hack Galaxian
2450 superman Superman 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-X
2451 supermanj Superman (Japan) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-X
2452 superspy The Super Spy 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2453 supmodel Super Model 1994 Comad / New Japan System Miscellaneous
2454 suprglob Super Glob 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2455 suprheli Super Heli (Super Cobra bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2456 suprleag Super League (FD1094 317-0045) 1987 Sega System 16B
2457 suprtrio Super Trio 1994 Gameace Miscellaneous
2458 suratk Surprise Attack (World ver. K) 1990 Konami GX911
2459 suratka Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L) 1990 Konami GX911
2460 suratkj Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M) 1990 Konami GX911
2461 svc SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2462 svcboot SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (bootleg) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2463 svcnd SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (decrypted C) 2003 Playmore Neo Geo
2464 svcpcb SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 1) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2465 svcpcba SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 2) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2466 svcpcbnd SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 1, decrypted C) 2003 SNK Playmore Neo Geo
2467 svcplus SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Plus (bootleg set 1) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2468 svcplusa SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Plus (bootleg set 2) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2469 svcsplus SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Super Plus (bootleg) 2003 bootleg Neo Geo
2470 swarm Swarm (bootleg?) 1979 Sebelectro Galaxian
2471 swat SWAT (315-5048) 1984 Coreland / Sega System 1
2472 swatpolc SWAT Police 2001 ESD Miscellaneous
2473 syscheck Neo System Check (ver 1.0b) ???? blastar@gmx.net Neo Geo
2474 tangtang Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) 2000 ESD Miscellaneous
2475 taotaido Tao Taido (set 1) 1993 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2476 taotaidoa Tao Taido (set 2) 1993 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2477 tazmani2 Tazz-Mania (set 2) 1982 Stern Galaxian
2478 tazmania Tazz-Mania (set 1) 1982 Stern Galaxian
2479 tazzmang Tazz-Mania (Galaxian hardware) 1982 bootleg Galaxian
2480 tdragon Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992) 1991 NMK (Tecmo license) NMK16
2481 tdragon1 Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991) 1991 NMK (Tecmo license) NMK16
2482 tdragon2 Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993) 1993 NMK NMK16
2483 tdragon2a Thunder Dragon 2 (1st Oct. 1993) 1993 NMK NMK16
2484 tdragonb Thunder Dragon (bootleg) 1991 bootleg NMK16
2485 teddybb TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) 1985 Sega System 1
2486 teddybbo TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, Old Ver.) 1985 Sega System 1
2487 tengai Tengai (world) 1996 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2488 tengaij TengaiSengoku Blade – sengoku ace episode II 1996 Psikyo Psikyo 68EC020
2489 terraf Terra Force (set 1) 1987 Nichibutsu Miscellaneous
2490 terrafa Terra Force (set 2) 1987 Nichibutsu Miscellaneous
2491 terrafu Terra Force (US) 1987 Nichibutsu USA Miscellaneous
2492 tetris Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093) 1988 Sega System 16A
2493 tetris1 Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0091) 1988 Sega System 16B
2494 tetris2 Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0092) 1988 Sega System 16B
2495 tetris3 Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093a) 1988 Sega System 16A
2496 tetrisbl Tetris (bootleg) 1988 bootleg System 16B
2497 tetrsark Tetris (D.R. Korea) 198? D.R. Korea Arkanoid
2498 tgm2 Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 2000 Arika PS5V2
2499 tgm2p Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus 2000 Arika PS5V2
2500 tharrier Task Force Harrier 1989 UPL (American Sammy license) NMK16
2501 tharrierj Task Force Harrier (Japan) 1989 UPL NMK16
2502 theend The End 1980 Konami Galaxian
2503 theends The End (Stern) 1980 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2504 theglob The Glob 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2505 theglob2 The Glob (earlier) 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2506 theglob3 The Glob (set 3) 1983 Epos Corporation EPOS Tristar
2507 theglobp The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) 1983 Epos Corporation Pac-man
2508 theroes Thunder Heroes 2001 Primetek Investments Cave
2509 thetogyu The Togyu (315-5065, Japan) 1984 Coreland / Sega System 1
2510 thndrbld Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056) 1987 Sega X-Board
2511 thndrbld1 Thunder Blade (deluxe/standing, unprotected) 1987 Sega X-Board
2512 thndrx2 Thunder Cross II (World) 1991 Konami GX073
2513 thndrx2a Thunder Cross II (Asia) 1991 Konami GX073
2514 thndrx2j Thunder Cross II (Japan) 1991 Konami GX073
2515 thunderx Thunder Cross (set 1) 1988 Konami GX873
2516 thunderxa Thunder Cross (set 2) 1988 Konami GX873
2517 thunderxb Thunder Cross (set 3) 1988 Konami GX873
2518 thunderxj Thunder Cross (Japan) 1988 Konami GX873
2519 tigerh Tiger Heli (US) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2520 tigerhb1 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 1) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2521 tigerhb2 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 2) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2522 tigerhb3 Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 3) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2523 tigerhj Tiger Heli (Japan) 1985 Taito Early Toaplan
2524 tigeroad Tiger Road (US) 1987 Capcom (Romstar license) hardware
2525 tigeroadb Tiger Road (US bootleg) 1987 bootleg hardware
2526 timescan Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) 1987 Sega System 16B
2527 timescan1 Time Scanner (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0024) 1987 Sega System 16A
2528 tknight Tecmo Knight 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2529 tmht Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2530 tmht22pe Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles – Turtles in Time (2 Players ver EBA) 1991 Konami GX063
2531 tmht2p Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 1) 1989 Konami GX963
2532 tmht2pa Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 2) 1989 Konami GX963
2533 tmnt Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2534 tmnt2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA) 1991 Konami GX063
2535 tmnt22pu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (2 Players ver UDA) 1991 Konami GX063
2536 tmnt2a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtles in Time (4 Players ver ADA) 1991 Konami GX063
2537 tmnt2pj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players) 1990 Konami GX963
2538 tmnt2po Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players) 1989 Konami GX963
2539 tmntj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players) 1990 Konami GX963
2540 tmntu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 1) 1989 Konami GX963
2541 tmntua Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 2) 1989 Konami GX963
2542 tnzs The NewZealand Story (World, newer) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2543 tnzsj The NewZealand Story (Japan, new version, newer PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2544 tnzsjo The NewZealand Story (Japan, old version) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous
2545 tnzso The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2546 tnzsop The NewZealand Story (World, prototype?) (older PCB) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous
2547 toki Toki (World set 1) 1989 Tad hardware
2548 tokia Toki (World set 2) 1989 Tad hardware
2549 tokiu Toki (US) 1989 Tad (Fabtek license) hardware
2550 tophuntr Top Hunter – Roddy & Cathy (set 1) 1994 SNK Neo Geo
2551 tophuntrh Top Hunter – Roddy & Cathy (set 2) 1994 SNK Neo Geo
2552 toppyrap Toppy & Rappy 1996 SemiCom Kaneko Pandora based
2553 topsecrt Top Secret (Japan) 1987 Capcom Misc
2554 toramich Tora-he no Michi (Japan) 1987 Capcom hardware
2555 toryumon Toryumon 1994 Sega / Westone System 16B
2556 toutrun Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0109) 1989 Sega Out Run
2557 toutrun2 Turbo Out Run (upright, FD1094 317-unknown) 1989 Sega Out Run
2558 toutrunu Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118) 1989 Sega Out Run
2559 tpgolf Top Player’s Golf 1990 SNK Neo Geo
2560 trally Thrash Rally 1991 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2561 treahunt Treasure Hunt (bootleg?) 1982 Hara Industries Jack the Giantkiller
2562 trigon Trigon (Japan) 1990 Konami GX939
2563 triplep Triple Punch 1982 KKI Galaxian
2564 tripool Tri-Pool (Casino Tech) 1981 Noma (Casino Tech license) Jack the Giantkiller
2565 tripoola Tri-Pool (Costal Games) 1981 Noma (Costal Games license) Jack the Giantkiller
2566 trojan Trojan (US) 1986 Capcom hardware
2567 trojanj Tatakai no Banka (Japan) 1986 Capcom hardware
2568 trojanr Trojan (Romstar) 1986 Capcom (Romstar license) hardware
2569 trophyh Trophy Hunting – Bear & Moose V1.0 2002 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2570 truxton TruxtonTatsujin 1988 [Toaplan] Taito Corporation Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2571 truxton2 Truxton IITatsujin Oh 1992 Toaplan Toaplan GP9001 based
2572 tst_galx Galaxian Test ROM 1979 Test ROM Galaxian
2573 ttmahjng Mahjong 1980 Taito Route 16
2574 tturf Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104) 1989 Sega / Sunsoft System 16B
2575 tturfu Tough Turf (set 1, US, 8751 317-0099) 1989 Sega / Sunsoft System 16B
2576 tumbleb Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2577 tumbleb2 Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2578 turbofrc Turbo Force 1991 Video System Co. Video System
2579 turfmast Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf 1996 Nazca Neo Geo
2580 turkhunt Turkey Hunting USA V1.0 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2581 turpin Turpin 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian
2582 turpins Turpin (bootleg on Scramble hardware) 1981 bootleg Galaxian
2583 turtles Turtles 1981 Konami (Stern license) Galaxian
2584 twinactn Twin Action 1995 Afega NMK16
2585 twinadv Twin Adventure (World) 1995 Barko Corp Kaneko Pandora based
2586 twinadvk Twin Adventure (Korea) 1995 Barko Corp Kaneko Pandora based
2587 twinhawk Twin Hawk (World) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-X
2588 twinhawku Twin Hawk (US) 1989 Taito America Corporation Taito-X
2589 twinkle Twinkle 1997 SemiCom Kaneko Pandora based
2590 twinspri Twinkle Star Sprites 1996 ADK Neo Geo
2591 tws96 Tecmo World Soccer ’96 1996 Tecmo Neo Geo
2592 typhoon Typhoon 1987 Konami GX770
2593 uballoon Ultra Balloon 1996 SunA Miscellaneous
2594 uecology Ultimate Ecology (931203 Japan) 1993 Capcom CPS2
2595 ultraman Ultraman (Japan) 1991 Banpresto/Bandai GX910
2596 uniwars UniWar S 1980 Irem Galaxian
2597 unsquad U.N. Squadron (US) 1989 Daipro / Capcom CPS1
2598 uopoko Puzzle Uo Poko (International) 1999 Cave / Jaleco Cave
2599 upndown Up’n Down (315-5030) 1983 Sega System 1
2600 upndownu Up’n Down (not encrypted) 1983 Sega System 1
2601 vampj Vampire – the night warriors (940705 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2602 vampja Vampire – the night warriors (940705 Japan, alt) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2603 vampjr1 Vampire – the night warriors (940630 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2604 vandyke Vandyke (Japan) 1990 UPL NMK16
2605 vandykeb Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) 1990 [UPL] (bootleg) NMK16
2606 vandykejal Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 1) 1990 UPL (Jaleco license) NMK16
2607 vandykejal2 Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 2) 1990 UPL (Jaleco license) NMK16
2608 vanvan Van-Van Car 1983 Sanritsu Pac-man
2609 vanvanb Van-Van Car (set 3) 1983 Karateco Pac-man
2610 vanvank Van-Van Car (Karateco) 1983 Karateco Pac-man
2611 varth Varth – operation thunderstorm (920714 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2612 varthj Varth – operation thunderstorm (920714 Japan) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2613 varthr1 Varth – operation thunderstorm (920612 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1
2614 varthu Varth – operation thunderstorm (920612 USA) 1992 Capcom (Romstar license) CPS1
2615 vendetta Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T) 1991 Konami GX081
2616 vendetta2p Vendetta (World 2 Players ver. W) 1991 Konami GX081
2617 vendetta2pd Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. D) 1991 Konami GX081
2618 vendetta2pu Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. U) 1991 Konami GX081
2619 vendettaj Crime Fighters 2 (Japan 2 Players ver. P) 1991 Konami GX081
2620 vendettar Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. R) 1991 Konami GX081
2621 venus Venus 1983 bootleg Miscellaneous
2622 vfive V-Five (Japan) 1993 Toaplan Toaplan GP9001 based
2623 vhunt2 Vampire Hunter 2 – darkstalkers revenge (970929 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2624 vhunt2r1 Vampire Hunter 2 – darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2625 vhuntj Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950316 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2626 vhuntjr1 Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950307 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2627 vhuntjr2 Vampire Hunter – darkstalkers’ revenge (950302 Japan) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2628 victnine Victorious Nine 1984 Taito Miscellaneous
2629 viewpoin Viewpoint 1992 Sammy Neo Geo
2630 vigilant Vigilante (World) 1988 Irem Miscellaneous
2631 vigilantj Vigilante (Japan) 1988 Irem Miscellaneous
2632 vigilantu Vigilante (US) 1988 Irem (Data East USA License) Miscellaneous
2633 vimana Vimana 1991 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2634 vimana1 Vimana (old set) 1991 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2635 vimanan Vimana (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co) 1991 Toaplan (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co license) Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2636 vliner V-Liner (set 1) 2001 Dyna / BreezaSoft Neo Geo
2637 vlinero V-Liner (set 2) 2001 Dyna / BreezaSoft Neo Geo
2638 vpool Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) 1980 bootleg Galaxian
2639 vsav Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Euro) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2640 vsav2 Vampire Savior 2 – the lord of vampire (970913 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2641 vsava Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Asia) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2642 vsavd Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1997 bootleg CPS2
2643 vsavh Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Hispanic) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2644 vsavj Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 Japan) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2645 vsavu Vampire Savior – the lord of vampire (970519 USA) 1997 Capcom CPS2
2646 vulcan Vulcan Venture 1988 Konami GX785
2647 vulgus Vulgus (set 1) 1984 Capcom Misc
2648 vulgus2 Vulgus (set 2) 1984 Capcom Misc
2649 vulgusj Vulgus (Japan?) 1984 Capcom Misc
2650 wakuwak7 Waku Waku 7 1996 Sunsoft Neo Geo
2651 wallc Wall Crash (set 1) 1984 Midcoin Miscellaneous
2652 wallca Wall Crash (set 2) 1984 Midcoin Miscellaneous
2653 warofbug War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze 1981 Armenia Galaxian
2654 warzard War-Zard / Red Earth (Japan 961121) 1996 Capcom CPS-3
2655 wb3 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 5, World, System 16B, 8751 317-0098) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2656 wb31 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0084) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16A
2657 wb32 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0085) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2658 wb33 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16B, FD1094 317-0089) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2659 wb34 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0087) 1988 Sega / Westone System 16B
2660 wbdeluxe Wonder Boy Deluxe 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2661 wboy Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2662 wboy2 Wonder Boy (set 2, 315-5178) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2663 wboy2u Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2664 wboy3 Wonder Boy (set 3, 315-5135) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2665 wboy4 Wonder Boy (set 4, 315-5162) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2666 wboyo Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5135) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2667 wboyu Wonder Boy (not encrypted) 1986 Sega (Escape License) System 1
2668 wc90 World Cup ’90 (World) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2669 wc90a World Cup ’90 (Euro set 1) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2670 wc90b World Cup ’90 (Euro set 2) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2671 wc90t World Cup ’90 (trackball) 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2672 welltris Welltris (World?, 2 players) 1991 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2673 welltrisj Welltris (Japan, 2 players) 1991 Video System Co. Miscellaneous
2674 wh1 World Heroes (set 1) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2675 wh1h World Heroes (set 2) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2676 wh1ha World Heroes (set 3) 1992 Alpha Denshi Co. Neo Geo
2677 wh2 World Heroes 2 1993 ADK Neo Geo
2678 wh2j World Heroes 2 Jet (set 1) 1994 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2679 wh2jh World Heroes 2 Jet (set 2) 1994 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2680 whp World Heroes Perfect 1995 ADK / SNK Neo Geo
2681 wildfang Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight 1989 Tecmo Miscellaneous
2682 willow Willow (US) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2683 willowj Willow (Japan, Japanese) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2684 willowje Willow (Japan, English) 1989 Capcom CPS1
2685 wintbob The Winter Bobble (bootleg) 1990 bootleg Kaneko Pandora based
2686 wjammers Windjammers / Flying Power Disc 1994 Data East Corporation Neo Geo
2687 wlstar Wonder League Star – Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) 1995 Mijin Miscellaneous
2688 wmatch Water Match (315-5064) 1984 Sega System 1
2689 wndrplnt Wonder Planet (Japan) 1987 Data East Corporation Miscellaneous
2690 wof Warriors of Fate (921002 etc) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2691 wof3js Sangokushi II: San Jian Sheng (Chinese bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2692 wofa Sangokushi II (921005 Asia) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2693 wofhfh Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese bootleg) 1992 bootleg CPS1
2694 wofu Warriors of Fate (921031 USA) 1992 Capcom CPS1 / QSound
2695 wonder3 Wonder 3 (910520 Japan) 1991 Capcom CPS1
2696 wondl96 Wonder League ’96 (Korea) 1995 SemiCom Miscellaneous
2697 wondstck Wonder Stick ???? Yun Sung Miscellaneous
2698 woodpeck Woodpecker (set 1) 1981 Amenip (Palcom Queen River) Pac-man
2699 wownfant WOW New Fantasia 2002 Comad Miscellaneous
2700 wrestwar Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103) 1988 Sega System 16B
2701 wrestwar1 Wrestle War (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0090) 1988 Sega System 16B
2702 wrestwar2 Wrestle War (set 2, World, FD1094 317-0102) 1988 Sega System 16B
2703 wschamp Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2704 wschampa Wing Shooting Championship V1.01 2001 Sammy USA Corporation Newer Seta
2705 wwallyj Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B) 1992 Sega System 18
2706 wwallyja Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan, FD1094 317-0197A) 1992 Sega System 18
2707 wwfsstar WWF Superstars (Europe) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2708 wwfsstara WWF Superstars (US, Newer) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2709 wwfsstaru WWF Superstars (US) 1989 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2710 wwfwfest WWF WrestleFest (US set 1) 1991 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2711 wwfwfesta WWF WrestleFest (US Tecmo) 1991 Technos Japan (Tecmo License) Miscellaneous
2712 wwfwfestb WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) 1991 bootleg Miscellaneous
2713 wwfwfestj WWF WrestleFest (Japan) 1991 Technos Japan Miscellaneous
2714 xmcota X-Men – children of the atom (950105 Euro) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2715 xmcotaa X-Men – children of the atom (941217 Asia) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2716 xmcotad X-Men – children of the atom (950105 Euro Phoenix Edition) 1995 bootleg CPS2
2717 xmcotah X-Men – children of the atom (950331 Hispanic) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2718 xmcotaj X-Men – children of the atom (941222 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2719 xmcotaj1 X-Men – children of the atom (941219 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2720 xmcotaj2 X-Men – children of the atom (941217 Japan) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2721 xmcotajr X-Men – children of the atom (941208 Japan, rent version) 1994 Capcom CPS2
2722 xmcotau X-Men – children of the atom (950105 USA) 1995 Capcom CPS2
2723 xmen X-Men (4 Players ver UBB) 1992 Konami GX065
2724 xmen2pa X-Men (2 Players ver AAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2725 xmen2pe X-Men (2 Players ver EAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2726 xmen2pj X-Men (2 Players ver JAA) 1992 Konami GX065
2727 xmene X-Men (4 Players ver EBA) 1992 Konami GX065
2728 xmenj X-Men (4 Players ver JBA) 1992 Konami GX065
2729 xmvsf X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2730 xmvsfa X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2731 xmvsfar1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960919 Asia) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2732 xmvsfb X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 Brazil) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2733 xmvsfh X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Hispanic) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2734 xmvsfj X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2735 xmvsfjr1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2736 xmvsfjr2 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960909 Japan) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2737 xmvsfr1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (960910 Euro) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2738 xmvsfu X-Men vs Street Fighter (961023 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2739 xmvsfu1d X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA Phoenix Edition) 1996 bootleg CPS2
2740 xmvsfur1 X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 USA) 1996 Capcom CPS2
2741 yankeedo Yankee DO! 1982 hack misc
2742 zedblade Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok 1994 NMK Neo Geo
2743 zeropnt Zero Point (set 1) 1998 Unico Unico
2744 zeropnt2 Zero Point 2 1999 Unico Unico
2745 zeropnta Zero Point (set 2) 1998 Unico Unico
2746 zerotime Zero Time 1979 Petaco S.A Galaxian
2747 zerowing Zero Wing 1989 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2748 zerowing2 Zero Wing (2 player simultaneous ver.) 1989 [Toaplan] Williams Electronics Games, Inc Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based
2749 zerozone Zero Zone 1993 Comad Miscellaneous
2750 zigzag Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) 1982 LAX Galaxian
2751 zigzag2 Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 2) 1982 LAX Galaxian
2752 zintrckb Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (hack / bootleg) 1996 hack / bootleg Neo Geo
2753 zupapa Zupapa! 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2754 zupapan Zupapa! (decrypted C) 2001 SNK Neo Geo
2755 zzyzzyxx Zzyzzyxx (set 1) 1982 Cinematronics + Advanced Microcomputer Systems Jack the Giantkiller
2756 zzyzzyxx2 Zzyzzyxx (set 2) 1982 Cinematronics + Advanced Microcomputer Systems Jack the Giantkiller
2012/02/11 - [스마트폰에뮬게임/오락실 게임] - Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록3 1001-2000 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)
2012/02/11 - [스마트폰에뮬게임/오락실 게임] - Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록2 501-1000 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)
2012/02/11 - [스마트폰에뮬게임/오락실 게임] - Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록1 01-500 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)
2012/02/11 - [스마트폰에뮬게임/오락실 게임] - Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록2 501-1000 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)
2012/02/11 - [스마트폰에뮬게임/오락실 게임] - Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록1 01-500 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)