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Tiger Arcade 3.0.0 안드폰게임 목록2 501-1000 (Tiger Arcade Game List 게임폰 플스폰 테이크HD Android Game)

by 강월드검색 2012. 2. 11.












순서 / zip파일명 / 게임명 / 발매년도 / 제작사 / 콘솔
zip파일명 변경금지 인식 못함

■Tiger Arcade(v3.0.0 or later) Game List (page 2)

501 dommy Dommy 198? Technos misc   
502 dondokod Don Doko Don (World) 1989 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2   
503 dondokodj Don Doko Don (Japan) 1989 Taito Corporation Taito-F2   
504 dondokodu Don Doko Don (US) 1989 Taito Corporation Taito-F2   
505 donpachi DonPachi (ver. 1.01 1995/05/11, U.S.A) 1995 Atlus / Cave Cave   
506 dorodon Dorodon (set 1) 1982 Falcon Miscellaneous   
507 dorodon2 Dorodon (set 2) 1982 Falcon Miscellaneous   
508 dotrikun Dottori Kun (new version) 1990 Sega Test Hardware   
509 dotrikun2 Dottori Kun (old version) 1990 Sega Test Hardware   
510 doubledr Double Dragon (Neo-Geo) 1995 Technos Neo Geo   
511 dquizgo Date Quiz Go Go (Korea) 1998 SemiCom Miscellaneous   
512 dragnblz Dragon Blaze 2000 Psikyo PS5V2   
513 dremshpr Dream Shopper 1982 Sanritsu Pac-man   
514 drgnbowl Dragon Bowl 1992 Nics Miscellaneous   
515 drgnbstr Dragon Buster 1984 Namco Miscellaneous   
516 drgw2 Dragon World II (V110X, World) 1997 IGS PolyGameMaster   
517 drgw2c Zhong Guo Long II (V100C, China) 1997 IGS PolyGameMaster   
518 drgw2j Chuugokuryuu II (V100J, Japan) 1997 IGS PolyGameMaster   
519 driftout Drift Out (Japan) 1991 Visco Taito-F2   
520 driveout Drive Out 1991 bootleg Taito-F2   
521 drivfrcb Driving Force (Galaxian conversion bootleg) 1985 bootleg Galaxian   
522 drivfrcg Driving Force (Galaxian conversion) 1984 Shinkai Inc. (Magic Eletronics USA licence) Galaxian   
523 drtomy Dr. Tomy 1993 Playmark Miscellaneous   
524 drtoppel Dr. Toppel’s Adventure (World) 1987 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous   
525 drtoppelj Dr. Toppel’s Tankentai (Japan) 1987 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous   
526 drtoppelu Dr. Toppel’s Adventure (US) 1987 Taito America Corporation Miscellaneous   
527 dstlk Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940705 Euro) 1994 Capcom CPS2   
528 dstlka Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940705 Asia) 1994 Capcom CPS2   
529 dstlkh Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940818 Hispanic) 1994 Capcom CPS2   
530 dstlku Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940818 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2   
531 dstlku1d Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940705 USA Phoenix Edition) 1994 bootleg CPS2   
532 dstlkur1 Darkstalkers – the night warriors (940705 USA) 1994 Capcom CPS2   
533 dumpmtmt Dump Matsumoto (Japan, 8751 317-unknown) 1986 Sega System 16A   
534 dunkshot Dunk Shot (FD1089 317-0022) 1986 Sega System 16B   
535 dynwar Dynasty Wars (US set 1) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
536 dynwarj Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
537 dynwaru Dynasty Wars (US set 2) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
538 eagle Eagle (set 1) 1980 Centuri Galaxian   
539 eagle2 Eagle (set 2) 1980 Centuri Galaxian   
540 eagle3 Eagle (set 3) 1980 Centuri Galaxian   
541 earthjkr U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker 1993 Visco Taito Misc   
542 ecofghtr Eco Fighters (931203 etc) 1993 Capcom CPS2   
543 ecofghtra Eco Fighters (931203 Asia) 1993 Capcom CPS2   
544 ecofghtru Eco Fighters (940215 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS2   
545 ecofghtru1 Eco Fighters (931203 USA) 1993 Capcom CPS2   
546 egghunt Egg Hunt 1995 Invi Image Miscellaneous   
547 eggor Eggor 1982 Telko Pac-man   
548 eggs Eggs 1983 [Technos] Universal USA misc   
549 eightman Eight Man 1991 SNK / Pallas Neo Geo   
550 endurobl Enduro Racer (bootleg set 1) 1986 bootleg Hang-On   
551 enduror Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) 1986 Sega Hang-On   
552 enduror1 Enduro Racer (YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A) 1986 Sega Hang-On   
553 enforce Enforce (Japan) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-Z   
554 esckids Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players) 1991 Konami GX975   
555 esckidsj Escape Kids (Japan, 2 Players) 1991 Konami GX975   
556 esprade ESP Ra.De. (1998 4/22 international ver.) 1998 Atlus / Cave Cave   
557 eswat E-Swat – Cyber Police (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0130) 1989 Sega System 16B   
558 eswatbl E-Swat – Cyber Police (bootleg) 1989 bootleg System 16B   
559 eswatj E-Swat – Cyber Police (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0128) 1989 Sega System 16B   
560 eswatu E-Swat – Cyber Police (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0129) 1989 Sega System 16B   
561 eto Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) 1994 Visco Taito Misc   
562 euroch92 Euro Champ ’92 (World) 1992 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2   
563 exctleag Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) 1989 Sega System 16B   
564 exedexes Exed Exes 1985 Capcom Miscellaneous   
565 exerizrb Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg) 1987 Jaleco Miscellaneous   
566 exodus Exodus (bootleg?) 19?? Subelectro Galaxian   
567 explbrkr Explosive Breaker 1992 Kaneko Kaneko 16-bit   
568 explorer Explorer 1981 bootleg Galaxian   
569 extrmatn Extermination (World) 1987 Taito Corporation Japan Miscellaneous   
570 extrmatnj Extermination (Japan) 1987 Taito Corporation Miscellaneous   
571 extrmatnu Extermination (US) 1987 [Taito] World Games Miscellaneous   
572 eyes Eyes (Digitrex Techstar) 1982 Digitrex Techstar (Rock-ola license) Pac-man   
573 eyes2 Eyes (Techstar) 1982 Techstar (Rock-ola license) Pac-man   
574 eyeszac Eyes (Zaccaria) 1982 Zaccaria / bootleg Pac-man   
575 f1dream F-1 Dream 1988 Capcom (Romstar license) hardware   
576 f1dreamb F-1 Dream (bootleg) 1988 bootleg hardware   
577 f1gp F-1 Grand Prix 1991 Video System Co. Miscellaneous   
578 f1gp2 F-1 Grand Prix Part II 1992 Video System Co. Miscellaneous   
579 fantasia Fantasia 1994 Comad / New Japan System Miscellaneous   
580 fantazia Fantazia (bootleg?) 1980 SubElectro Galaxian   
581 fantsia2 Fantasia II (Explicit) 1997 Comad Miscellaneous   
582 fantsia2a Fantasia II (Less Explicit) 1997 Comad Miscellaneous   
583 fantsy95 Fantasy ’95 1995 Hi-max Technology Inc. Miscellaneous   
584 fantzone Fantasy Zone (set 2, unprotected) 1986 Sega System 16A   
585 fantzone1 Fantasy Zone (set 1, unprotected) 1986 Sega System 16A   
586 farmer Farmers Rebellion 1985 Sun Electronics Miscellaneous   
587 fatfursa Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (set 2) 1993 SNK Neo Geo   
588 fatfursp Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (set 1) 1993 SNK Neo Geo   
589 fbfrenzy Football Frenzy 1992 SNK Neo Geo   
590 feversos Fever SOS (International ver. Fri Sep 25 1998) 1998 Cave / Nihon System inc. Cave   
591 ffight Final Fight (World) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
592 ffightb Final Fight (bootleg) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
593 ffightj Final Fight (Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
594 ffightj1 Final Fight (900305 Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
595 ffightj2 Final Fight (900112 Japan) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
596 ffightu Final Fight (USA) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
597 ffightua Final Fight (900112 USA) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
598 ffightub Final Fight (900613 USA) 1989 Capcom CPS1   
599 fightfev Fight Fever (set 1) 1994 Viccom Neo Geo   
600 fightfeva Fight Fever (set 2) 1994 Viccom Neo Geo   
601 finalb Final Blow (World) 1988 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2   
602 finalbj Final Blow (Japan) 1988 Taito Corporation Taito-F2   
603 finalbu Final Blow (US) 1988 Taito America Corporation Taito-F2   
604 finalttr Final Tetris 1993 Jeil Computer System Kaneko Pandora based   
605 firehawk Fire Hawk 2001 ESD NMK16   
606 fireshrk Fire Shark 1990 Toaplan Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based   
607 fireshrkd Fire Shark (Korea, set 1, easier) 1990 Toaplan (Dooyong license) Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based   
608 fireshrkdh Fire Shark (Korea, set 2, harder) 1990 Toaplan (Dooyong license) Toaplan BCU-2 / FCU-2 based   
609 flashgal Flashgal (set 1) 1985 Sega Kyugo   
610 flashgala Flashgal (set 2) 1985 Sega Kyugo   
611 flicky Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051) 1984 Sega System 1   
612 flickyo Flicky (64k Version, System 1, 315-5051, set 1) 1984 Sega System 1   
613 flickys1 Flicky (64k Version, System 1, 315-5051, set 2) 1984 Sega System 1   
614 flickys2 Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted) 1984 Sega System 1   
615 flipshot Battle Flip Shot 1998 Visco Neo Geo   
616 flstory The FairyLand Story 1985 Taito Miscellaneous   
617 flstoryj The FairyLand Story (Japan) 1985 Taito Miscellaneous   
618 fncywld Fancy World – Earth of Crisis 1996 Unico Miscellaneous   
619 fnkyfish Funky Fish 1981 Sun Electronics Kangaroo   
620 footchmp Football Champ (World) 1990 Taito Corporation Japan Taito-F2   
621 forgottn Forgotten Worlds (World) 1988 Capcom CPS1   
622 forgottnu Forgotten Worlds (US) 1988 Capcom CPS1   
623 fpoint Flash Point (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A) 1989 Sega System 16B   
624 fpoint1 Flash Point (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A) 1989 Sega System 16B   
625 fpointbj Flash Point (Japan, bootleg) 1989 bootleg System 16B   
626 fpointbl Flash Point (World, bootleg) 1989 bootleg System 16B   
627 fr2ch Idol Mahjong – final romance 2 (CD to MVS Conversion) 1995 hack Neo Geo   
628 freeze Freeze 1984 Cinematronics Jack the Giantkiller   
629 frogf Frog (Falcon bootleg) 1981 bootleg Galaxian   
630 frogg Frog (Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg Galaxian   
631 frogger Frogger 1981 Konami Galaxian   
632 froggermc Frogger (Moon Cresta hardware) 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian   
633 froggers Frog 1981 bootleg Galaxian   
634 froggers1 Frogger (Sega set 1) 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian   
635 froggers2 Frogger (Sega set 2) 1981 Konami (Sega license) Galaxian   
636 fround The Final Round (version M) 1988 Konami GX870   
637 froundl The Final Round (version L) 1988 Konami GX870   
638 fstarfrc Final Star Force (US) 1992 Tecmo Miscellaneous   
639 fstarfrcj Final Star Force (Japan) 1992 Tecmo Miscellaneous   
640 fswords Fighters Swords (Korean release of Samurai Shodown III) 1995 SNK Neo Geo   
641 funkybee Funky Bee 1982 Orca misc   
642 funkybeeb Funky Bee (bootleg, harder) 1982 bootleg misc   
643 funybubl Funny Bubble 1999 In Chang Electronic Co misc   
644 funybublc Funny Bubble (Comad version) 1999 Comad Industry Co Ltd misc   
645 fx F-X 1986 bootleg Kyugo   
646 g_12inun 12-in-1 (Unl) [!] 19?? Sega License Megadrive   
647 g_16tjap 16t (Japan) (SegaNet) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
648 g_16tons 16 Ton (SN) (GNKO) (J) [!] 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
649 g_16zhan 16 Zhang Ma Jiang (China) (Unl) 19?? Sega License Megadrive   
650 g_2020to 2020 Toshi Super Baseball (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
651 g_3in1fl 3-in-1 Flashback – World Champ. Soccer – Tecmo World Cup 92 [p1][!] 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
652 g_3in1ro 3-in-1 Road Rash – Ms. Pac-Man – Block Out [p1][!] 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
653 g_3ninja 3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
654 g_4in1pb 4-in-1 [p1][!] 19?? Sega License Megadrive   
655 g_688att 688 Attack Sub (USA, Europe) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
656 g_6pakus 6-Pak (USA) 199? Sega License Megadrive   
657 g_aaahh1 AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (USA) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
658 g_aaahhr AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
659 g_aahari Aa Harimanada (Japan) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
660 g_actio1 Action 52 (USA) (Unl) 1993 Active Enterprises, Ltd. Megadrive   
661 g_action Action 52 (USA) (Alt) (Unl) 1993 Active Enterprises, Ltd. Megadrive   
662 g_addam Addams Family, The (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
663 g_addam2 Addams Family, The (USA) (Beta) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
664 g_advem1 Adventures of Mighty Max, The (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
665 g_advemm Adventures of Mighty Max, The (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
666 g_adven1 Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
667 g_advent Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
668 g_aero2 Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
669 g_aero2u Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
670 g_aerobi Aerobiz (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
671 g_aerobl Aero Blasters (Japan) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
672 g_aerobs Aerobiz Supersonic (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
673 g_aerot2 Aero the Acro-Bat (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
674 g_aeroth Aero the Acro-Bat (Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
675 g_afv Addams Family Values (Europe) (En,Fr,De) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
676 g_airbus Air Buster (USA) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
677 g_airdv Air Diver (USA) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
678 g_airdvj Air Diver (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
679 g_airman Air Management – Oozora ni Kakeru (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
680 g_airmas Air Management II – Koukuuou o Mezase (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
681 g_alad2 Aladdin II (Unl) 19?? Sega License Megadrive   
682 g_aladd1 Aladdin (Japan) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
683 g_aladd2 Aladdin (USA) (Beta) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
684 g_aladd3 Aladdin (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
685 g_aladdi Aladdin (Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
686 g_alexk1 Alex Kidd – Tenkuu Majou (Japan) 1989 Sega License Megadrive   
687 g_alexk2 Alex Kidd – Cheongong Maseong (Korea) 1989 Sega License Megadrive   
688 g_alexk3 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Europe) 1989 Sega License Megadrive   
689 g_alexk4 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA) 1989 Sega License Megadrive   
690 g_alexkd Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Europe) (Rev A) 1989 Sega License Megadrive   
691 g_alien1 Alien 3 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
692 g_alien2 Alien Soldier (Japan) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
693 g_aliens Alien Soldier (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
694 g_alienu Alien 3 (USA, Europe) (Rev A) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
695 g_alisi1 Alisia Dragoon (Japan) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
696 g_alisi2 Alisia Dragoon (USA) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
697 g_alisia Alisia Dragoon (Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
698 g_alstm Alien Storm (World) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
699 g_altere Altered Beast (USA, Europe) 1988 Sega License Megadrive   
700 g_americ American Gladiators (USA) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
701 g_andre1 Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) (Beta) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
702 g_andre2 Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
703 g_andrea Andre Agassi Tennis (Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
704 g_anima1 Animaniacs (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
705 g_animan Animaniacs (Europe) (En,Fr,De) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
706 g_aokioo Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika – Genchou Hishi (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
707 g_aquati Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats, The (USA, Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
708 g_arcade Arcade Classics (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
709 g_archri Arch Rivals – The Arcade Game (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
710 g_arcus Arcus Odyssey (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
711 g_arcusj Arcus Odyssey (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
712 g_aressh A Ressha de Ikou MD (Japan) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
713 g_arielt Ariel the Little Mermaid (USA, Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
714 g_arnold Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
715 g_arobo Atomic Robo-Kid (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
716 g_aroboj Atomic Robo-Kid (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
717 g_arrow Arrow Flash (USA, Europe) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
718 g_arrowj Arrow Flash (Japan) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
719 g_artali Art Alive (World) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
720 g_artof2 Art of Fighting (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
721 g_artoff Art of Fighting (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
722 g_asmgp Ayrton Senna’s Super Monaco GP II (USA) (En,Ja) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
723 g_asmgpj Ayrton Senna’s Super Monaco GP II (Japan, Europe) (En,Ja) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
724 g_astepg Asterix and the Power of the Gods (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
725 g_aster1 Asterix and the Great Rescue (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
726 g_asteri Asterix and the Great Rescue (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
727 g_atomr1 Atomic Runner (USA) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
728 g_atomrn Atomic Runner (Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
729 g_atpto9 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
730 g_atptou ATP Tour (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
731 g_austra Australian Rugby League (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
732 g_aweso Awesome Possum (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
733 g_awesob Awesome Possum (USA) (Beta) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
734 g_aworgj Aworg (Japan) (SegaNet) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
735 g_awspro AWS Pro Moves Soccer (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
736 g_babyd Baby’s Day Out (USA) (Proto) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
737 g_backt1 Back to the Future Part III (USA) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
738 g_backto Back to the Future Part III (Europe) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
739 g_bahamu Bahamut Senki (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
740 g_ballja Ball Jacks (Japan, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
741 g_ballzd Ballz 3D – Fighting at Its Ballziest (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
742 g_barbi1 Barbie Vacation Adventure (USA) (Proto) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
743 g_barbie Barbie Super Model (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
744 g_barney Barney’s Hide & Seek Game (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
745 g_bassma Bass Masters Classic (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
746 g_batma1 Batman (Japan) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
747 g_batma2 Batman (USA) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
748 g_batman Batman (Europe) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
749 g_batmfr Batman Forever (World) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
750 g_batmrd Batman – Revenge of the Joker (USA) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
751 g_batmrt Batman Returns (World) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
752 g_battle Battle Golfer Yui (Japan) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
753 g_battmd Battle Mania Daiginjou (Japan, Korea) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
754 g_batttc BattleTech – A Game of Armored Combat (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
755 g_beasw Beast Wrestler (USA) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
756 g_beaurb Beauty and the Beast – Roar of the Beast (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
757 g_beauty Beauty and the Beast – Belle’s Quest (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
758 g_beavi2 Beavis and Butt-Head (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
759 g_beavis Beavis and Butt-Head (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
760 g_berens Berenstain Bears’ Camping Adventure, The (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
761 g_besto1 Best of the Best – Championship Karate (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
762 g_bestof Best of the Best – Championship Karate (Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
763 g_beyonu Beyond Oasis (USA) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
764 g_bill95 Bill Walsh College Football 95 (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
765 g_billwa Bill Walsh College Football (USA, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
766 g_bimini Bimini Run (USA) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
767 g_biohz Bio Hazard Battle (USA, Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
768 g_biohzb Bio Hazard Battle (USA) (Beta) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
769 g_bishou Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
770 g_bk2 Bare Knuckle II – Shitou heno Chingonka ~ Streets of Rage II (Japan, Europe) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
771 g_bk2b Bare Knuckle II (Japan) (Beta) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
772 g_bk3 Bare Knuckle III (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
773 g_blades Blades of Vengeance (USA, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
774 g_blast Blaster Master 2 (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
775 g_blastb Blaster Master 2 (USA) (Beta) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
776 g_blocko Blockout (World) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
777 g_bob B.O.B. (USA, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
778 g_btoadd Battletoads & Double Dragon (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
779 g_btoads Battletoads (World) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
780 g_bubsy Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
781 g_bubsy2 Bubsy II (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
782 g_buckro Buck Rogers – Countdown to Doomsday (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
783 g_caes2 Caesar no Yabou II (Japan) 1992 Micronet Megadrive   
784 g_califo California Games (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
785 g_castl Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Europe) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
786 g_castlj Castle of Illusion – Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (Japan) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
787 g_chelno Chelnov (Japan) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
788 g_chouky Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
789 g_classi Classic Collection (Europe) 199? Sega License Megadrive   
790 g_clay Clay Fighter (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
791 g_clayu Clay Fighter (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
792 g_coachk Coach K College Basketball (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
793 g_coll97 College Football USA 97 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
794 g_colleg College Football USA 96 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
795 g_colln2 College Football’s National Championship II (USA) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
796 g_collnc College Football’s National Championship (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
797 g_cols3 Columns III – Revenge of Columns (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
798 g_cols3a Columns III – Taiketsu! Columns World (Japan, Korea) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
799 g_colum1 Columns (World) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
800 g_column Columns (World) (v1.1) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
801 g_comix Comix Zone (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
802 g_comix1 Comix Zone (E) (Prototype – Jun 28, 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
803 g_comix2 Comix Zone (Japan) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
804 g_comix3 Comix Zone (K) (Prototype – Jun 09, 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
805 g_comix4 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jul 12, 1995 – FULSCR) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
806 g_comix5 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jul 12, 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
807 g_comix6 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jun 01, 1995 – B) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
808 g_comix7 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jun 01, 1995 – C) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
809 g_comix8 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jun 01, 1995 – D) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
810 g_comix9 Comix Zone (Prototype – Jun 01, 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
811 g_comp Sonic Compilation (Europe) 199? Sega License Megadrive   
812 g_compa Sonic Compilation (USA, Europe) (v1.1) 199? Sega License Megadrive   
813 g_contr1 Contra – The Hard Corps (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
814 g_contra Contra – Hard Corps (USA, Korea) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
815 g_cools2 Cool Spot (USA) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
816 g_cools3 Cool Spot (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
817 g_coolsp Cool Spot (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
818 g_crudeb Crude Buster (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
819 g_crusad Crusader of Centy (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
820 g_crying Crying – Aseimei Sensou (Japan) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
821 g_cvani1 Castlevania – The New Generation (Europe) (Beta) 1994 Konami Megadrive   
822 g_cvani2 Castlevania – The New Generation (Europe) 1994 Konami Megadrive   
823 g_cvania Castlevania – Bloodlines (USA) 1994 Konami Megadrive   
824 g_cyberp Cyber Police ESWAT (Japan) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
825 g_daik2 Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan) 1900 Koei Megadrive   
826 g_darwin Darwin 4081 (Japan, Korea) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
827 g_dd Double Dragon (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
828 g_dinodi Dino Dini’s Soccer (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
829 g_disney Disney Collection, The (Europe) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
830 g_drrob1 Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (USA) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
831 g_drrob2 Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
832 g_drrobo Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
833 g_dstrk Desert Strike (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
834 g_dukenu Duke Nukem 3D (Brazil) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
835 g_dungeo Dungeons & Dragons – Warriors of the Eternal Sun (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
836 g_eahoc1 EA Hockey (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
837 g_eahock EA Hockey (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
838 g_easpor EA Sports Double Header (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
839 g_ecco Ecco the Dolphin (USA, Europe) 19?? Sega License Megadrive   
840 g_ecco2 Ecco – The Tides of Time (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
841 g_ecco2b Ecco – The Tides of Time (Beta) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
842 g_ecco2j Ecco the Dolphin II (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
843 g_ecco2u Ecco – The Tides of Time (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
844 g_eccoj Ecco the Dolphin (Japan) 199? Sega License Megadrive   
845 g_eccoj1 Ecco Jr. (USA, Australia) (March 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
846 g_eccojr Ecco Jr. (USA, Australia) (February 1995) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
847 g_ejim Earthworm Jim (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
848 g_ejim2 Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
849 g_ejim2u Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
850 g_ejimu Earthworm Jim (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
851 g_elems Elemental Master (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
852 g_elemsj Elemental Master (Japan) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
853 g_elimin Eliminate Down (Japan) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
854 g_elit95 Elitserien 95 (Sweden) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
855 g_elit96 Elitserien 96 (Sweden) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
856 g_elvin El Viento (USA) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
857 g_elvinj El Viento (Japan) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
858 g_espnba ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
859 g_espnf ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
860 g_espsp ESPN Speed World (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
861 g_eswatc ESWAT – City Under Siege (USA) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
862 g_etern Eternal Champions (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
863 g_eternb Eternal Champions (Europe) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
864 g_eternj Eternal Champions (Japan, Korea) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
865 g_eternu Eternal Champions (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
866 g_europa Europa Sensen (Japan) 1900 Koei Megadrive   
867 g_europe European Club Soccer (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
868 g_evande Evander Holyfield’s ‘Real Deal’ Boxing (World) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
869 g_exosq1 Exo Squad (USA) (Beta) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
870 g_exosq2 Exo Squad (USA) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
871 g_exosqu Exo Squad (Europe) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
872 g_f1circ F1 Circus MD (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
873 g_f1wc F1 – World Championship Edition (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
874 g_f1wcb F1 – World Championship Edition (Europe) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
875 g_f22 F-22 Interceptor (USA, Europe) (September 1991) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
876 g_f22_realdump F-22 Interceptor (USA, Europe) (September 1991) (proper dump) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
877 g_fastes Fastest 1 (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
878 g_fi2k FIFA Soccer 2000 Gold Edition (Unl) (M6) [!] 2000 unlicensed Megadrive   
879 g_fi95 FIFA Soccer 95 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) 1994 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
880 g_fi96 FIFA Soccer 96 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv) 1995 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
881 g_fi97 FIFA Soccer 97 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv) 1996 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
882 g_fi97_realdump FIFA Soccer 97 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv) (proper dump) 1996 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
883 g_fi98 FIFA 98 – Road to World Cup (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It,Sv) 1900 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
884 g_fi99 FIFA Soccer 99 (R) [!] 1900 unlicensed Megadrive   
885 g_fifa FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) 1993 Electronic Arts Megadrive   
886 g_futbol Futbol Argentino 98 – Pasion de Multitudes (Unl) 1900 unlicensed Megadrive   
887 g_gaxe Golden Axe (World) (v1.1) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
888 g_gaxe2 Golden Axe II (World) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
889 g_gaxe2b Golden Axe II (World) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
890 g_gaxe3 Golden Axe III (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
891 g_gaxea Golden Axe (World) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
892 g_gemfir Gemfire (USA) 1900 Koei Megadrive   
893 g_genghi Genghis Khan II – Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA) 1900 Koei Megadrive   
894 g_gunst1 Gunstar Heroes (Japan) (Sample) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
895 g_gunst2 Gunstar Heroes (Japan) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
896 g_gunst3 Gunstar Heroes (USA) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
897 g_gunsta Gunstar Heroes (Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
898 g_hard3 HardBall III (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
899 g_hard94 HardBall ’94 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
900 g_hard95 HardBall ’95 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
901 g_hybri Hybrid Front, The (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
902 g_jackni Jack Nicklaus’ Power Challenge Golf (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
903 g_janou1 Janou Touryuumon (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
904 g_janout Janou Touryumon (J) [!] 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
905 g_jl J. League Champion Soccer (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
906 g_jl_fs J. League Pro Striker Final Stage (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
907 g_jl_pf J. League Pro Striker Perfect (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
908 g_jl_ps J. League Pro Striker (Japan) (v1.0) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
909 g_jl_ps2 J. League Pro Striker 2 (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
910 g_jl_psa J. League Pro Striker (Japan) (v1.3) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
911 g_joem2 Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World) (Rev A) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
912 g_joem2a Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
913 g_jp2_realdump James Pond II – Codename Robocod (USA, Europe) (proper dump) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
914 g_jrobo James Pond II – Codename Robocod (USA, Europe) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
915 g_jroboj James Pond II – Codename Robocod (Japan, Korea) 1991 Sega License Megadrive   
916 g_jstria Jungle Strike (USA) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
917 g_jstrib Jungle Strike – Uketsugareta Kyouki (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
918 g_jstrik Jungle Strike (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
919 g_juuou1 Juuouki (Japan) 1988 Sega License Megadrive   
920 g_juuouk Juuouki (Japan) (v1.1) 1988 Sega License Megadrive   
921 g_kickbo Kick Boxing, The (Japan, Korea) 1992 Sega License Megadrive   
922 g_kidouk Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor – 98-Shiki Kidou Seyo! (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
923 g_kishid Kishi Densetsu (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
924 g_knuckl Knuckles in Sonic 2 (Prototype 0524 – May 27, 1994, 10.46) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
925 g_lands1 Landstalker (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
926 g_lands2 Landstalker – Die Schatze von Konig Nolo (Germany) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
927 g_lands3 Landstalker – Koutei no Zaihou (Japan) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
928 g_lands4 Landstalker – Le Tresor du Roi Nole (France) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
929 g_lands5 Landstalker – The Treasures of King Nole (Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
930 g_landst Landstalker (USA) (Beta) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
931 g_lang2 Langrisser II (Japan) (v1.2) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
932 g_lang2a Langrisser II (Japan) (v1.1) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
933 g_lang2b Langrisser II (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
934 g_langri Langrisser (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
935 g_laruss La Russa Baseball 95 (USA, Australia) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
936 g_legen1 Legende de Thor, La (France) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
937 g_libert Liberty or Death (USA) 1993 Koei Megadrive   
938 g_light1 Light Crusader (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
939 g_light2 Light Crusader (Korea) (En,Ko) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
940 g_light4 Light Crusader (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
941 g_lightc Light Crusader (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
942 g_ma John Madden Football (USA, Europe) 1990 Sega License Megadrive   
943 g_ma93ce John Madden Football ’93 – Championship Edition (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
944 g_mad95 Madden NFL 95 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
945 g_mad96 Madden NFL 96 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
946 g_mad97 Madden NFL 97 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
947 g_mad98 Madden NFL 98 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
948 g_madden Madden NFL ’94 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
949 g_madoum Madou Monogatari I (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
950 g_maj John Madden Football – Pro Football (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
951 g_maste1 Master of Monsters (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
952 g_master Master of Monsters (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
953 g_matenn Maten no Soumetsu (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
954 g_megama Mega Man – The Wily Wars (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
955 g_mic96 Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (V1.1) (E) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
956 g_mic96b Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Europe) (v1.1) (J-Cart) 1995 Sega License Megadrive   
957 g_micha1 Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker (World) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
958 g_michae Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker (World) (Rev A) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
959 g_micm Micro Machines (USA, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
960 g_micm2 Micro Machines 2 – Turbo Tournament (Europe) (J-Cart) (Alt) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
961 g_micm2a Micro Machines 2 – Turbo Tournament (Europe) (J-Cart) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
962 g_micma Micro Machines (C) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
963 g_micmb Micro Machines (USA, Europe) (Alt) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
964 g_micmc Micro Machines (USA, Europe) (MDMM ACD3) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
965 g_mighta Might and Magic – Gates to Another World (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
966 g_mk Mortal Kombat (World) (v1.1) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
967 g_mk2 Mortal Kombat II (World) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
968 g_mk3 Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
969 g_mk3a Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
970 g_mka Mortal Kombat (World) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
971 g_mmm Micro Machines Military (Europe) (J-Cart) 1996 Sega License Megadrive   
972 g_mmma Micro Machines Military – It’s a Blast! (E) [x] 1996 Sega License Megadrive   
973 g_monste Monster World IV (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
974 g_mushaa Musha Aleste – Full Metal Fighter Ellinor (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
975 g_naa95 NBA Action ’95 Starring David Robinson (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
976 g_nakaj2 Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Super License (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
977 g_nbaa NBA Action (USA) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
978 g_nbal96 NBA Live 96 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
979 g_nbal97 NBA Live 97 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
980 g_nbal98 NBA Live 98 (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
981 g_nbapro NBA Pro Basketball ’94 (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
982 g_nbash NBA Showdown ’94 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
983 g_nbashb NBA Showdown ’94 (USA) (Beta) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
984 g_nbl95 NBA Live 95 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
985 g_ncaafi NCAA Final Four Basketball (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
986 g_ncaafo NCAA Football (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
987 g_new3d1 New 3D Golf Simulation Harukanaru Augusta (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
988 g_new3d2 New 3D Golf Simulation Pebble Beach no Hatou (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
989 g_new3d3 New 3D Golf Simulation Waialae no Kiseki (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
990 g_new3dg New 3D Golf Simulation Devil’s Course (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
991 g_nfl94 NFL Football ’94 Starring Joe Montana (USA) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
992 g_nfl94j NFL Football ’94 (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
993 g_nfl95 NFL ’95 (USA, Europe) 1994 Sega License Megadrive   
994 g_nfl98 NFL 98 (USA) 1997 Sega License Megadrive   
995 g_nflspo NFL Sports Talk Football ’93 Starring Joe Montana (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
996 g_nh94_realdump NHL ’94 (USA, Europe) (proper dump) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
997 g_nhktai NHK Taiga Drama – Taiheiki (Japan) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
998 g_nhl94 NHL ’94 (USA, Europe) 1993 Sega License Megadrive   
999 g_nhl95 NHL 95 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive   
1000 g_nhl96 NHL 96 (USA, Europe) 1900 Sega License Megadrive


